PowerSchool Parent Portal is a powerful, easy-to-use, secure communication tool connecting parents/guardians and schools. Using the PowerSchool student information system, the Parent Portal allows collaboration to improve student achievement.
Students have separate user accounts and log in using their AACPS username and password.
The District code is LTDJ. PowerSchool Student Portal is a student friendly version of the Parent Portal allowing students in grades 6-12 access to their schedules, assignments/grades and attendance. Students have separate user accounts and log in using their AACPS username and password.
Arizona’s Agribusiness and Equine Center offers seven public charter school locations throughout Arizona. Choose the public charter school location in your area for more information.
You must go to that e-mail and respond by clicking on the Confirm Current E-mail Address option. The e-mail is from support@amadorcoe.k12.ca.us and if it is not in your inbox, check your spam or junk mail folder.
Amador County USD provides access to an online portal where parents/guardians can access information about their student’s attendance, schedule and grades. We encourage parents/guardians to access the portal regularly to monitor their student’s progress at school.
An overview of the student’s courses and progress towards fulfilling graduation requirements (high school students only). Additionally the page presents demographic information, classes with teacher e-mail addresses, and awards received by the student.