abc unified aeries parent portal

by Anika Nikolaus 7 min read

How do I create a parent account on aeries mobile portal?

Get the Aeries Mobile Portal App! To create a Parent Account please contact your child's school office, your child must be enrolled to have an account. For questions about your child's data, please contact your child's school office.

What is the aeries portal and how does it work?

The Aeries Portal provides a way to view student records online, and for parents/guardians to update certain records online. The Portal has a navigation bar with links to the various parts of the Portal: Profile – Summary of general student information, including current year attendance and secondary school graduation/promotion status

What is my username and/or password for aeries?

Your username is your District-provided email address, [student ID] (e.g., There is no password for Aeries. Log into your District-provided email before accessing Aeries.


When will ABC families receive school messages?

ABC Families will receive school messages via email, text, and phone without interruption. On July 12, families will receive an “Invite” to download a new mobile ParentSquare App, making access to school information even more accessible.

What is ABC Unified School District?

The mission of ABC Unified School District is to develop a community of lifelong learners, creative thinkers, and responsible individuals by providing innovative and high quality educational programs in a safe and supportive environment.

How many schools are in the ABC Unified School District?

It is with great honor and privilege to serve as the Superintendent of ABC Unified School District. ABC Unified School District is comprised of ten preschools, 30 schools and serves over 21,000 (K-12) ethnically diverse students in the cities of Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, and portions of Lakewood, Long Beach, and Norwalk. Our Adult School serves an additional 10,000 adult learners in the region.

Who is the Superintendent of Artesia High School?

Last week, elected officials joined members of the ABCUSD Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Mary Sieu at Artesia High School to cut a ceremonial ribbon “opening” the school’s new athletic field before a varsity football game. Measure BB, the school improvement bond passed by voters in 2018, funded the new state-of-the-art synthetic field.

Who is the Equity Officer at ABC?

The ABC Unified School District is pleased to announce the hiring of Adrienne M. Thomas as the District’s first Equity Officer. The Equity Officer position was created to work with schools and students on diversity, inclusion, and equity issues.

Is Aeries Communications powered by Parentsquare?

Aeries Communications is now powered by ParentSquare. ParentSquare provides a safe way for the school principal, teachers, staff, and parents to remain in touch. It is available to all families through your pre-existing Aeries Communications login credentials.

How do I access the Aeries Portal?

Student and parent/guardian Aeries Portal accounts require an email address. Once your email address is entered into Aeries, either by your school or through the registration process, you will receive an email with your username and password.

What can I do in the Aeries Portal?

The Aeries Portal provides a way to view student records online, and for parents/guardians to update certain records online. The Portal has a navigation bar with links to the various parts of the Portal:

What is a primary student in Aeries?

Aeries has a concept of a “primary student”, and that’s the student that appears on the email notification. You will still have access to all students that are linked to your email address. (Refer back to #4 if after logging in you only see one of your students).

What documents are in the portal?

The only documents in the portal are the District’s mandatory forms. If your school has additional documents for you to review, those documents will be linked to at the end of the portal.

Where is the Change Student tab in a student portal?

On the top right hand corner of the portal, click on the Change Student tab. Additional students will be on the drop down menu.

Is there a password for Aeries?

There is no password for Aeries. Log into your District-provided email before accessing Aeries. Once logged into your email, proceed to Aeries, input your username, and click Next. Click on Log in with Google.
