aberdeen schools parent portal

by Alverta Parker 8 min read

Who can use parentsportal.scot

Access to parentsportal.scot is only for those parents or carers who have children in primary 1 to the final year of secondary and are already confirmed as a contact for that child. This is normally the person who already receives electronic information from a child (ren)’s school and completes the annual data check form.

How to sign up for parentsportal.scot

Parentsportal.scot is accessed via myAberdeenshire . If you don't already use myAberdeenshire, you will need to create an account and you can do that by registering for myaccount. Select 'Register', then 'Create a new account'.

What you will see in parentsportal.scot

To start with, you will see basic information about your child (ren)’s school along with online services such as a link to paying for school meals and completing your child (ren)’s annual data check form electronically.

If your child is moving between schools

Is your child moving to a new school? If so, we can let you know what will happen in your parentsportal.scot account.
