abernathy parent portal

by Winona Mills DDS 5 min read

Recent News

Abernathy High School will be hosting a Freshman Orientation on August 13th at 1:30 p.m. Come tour the buildings, meet the teachers and visit with new and old friends!

Principal's Message

It is an honor and a blessing to be the principal of Abernathy High School. AHS is truly an amazing school filled with outstanding students and great teachers. I wish to thank the parents and community of Abernathy for their continued support and for entrusting us with the education of their children.

Adulting Day 2019

Abernathy High School hosted an Adulting 101 Day for seniors on March 6th. Students rotated through stations to learn skills to help prepare them for life after high school.

Recent News

Want to "treat" a teacher? Click here to find out their favorite things, birthdate, and learn about what they love.

Principal's Message

Welcome to AES! My name is Jenci Chambers and I am thrilled to be entering my third year as Principal of Abernathy Elementary! I feel incredibly blessed to be in this role. We have great kids, great families, and a great community. I love the traditions and culture that make up AISD and Abernathy!

PPS Shares Projected 2022-23 Staffing Allocation for Schools

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Portland Public Schools has seen a significant decrease in student enrollment, and we are projecting that we will be down more than 3,400 students next school year, a decline of 8%.

Help PPS Make Informed Decisions About Climate and Culture: Please Take the 2021-22 Successful Schools Survey

On Monday, February 14, Portland Public Schools will begin the annual Successful Schools Survey that allows us to gather data to make informed decisions about school climate and culture. The survey will run to March 4.

Join Us to Provide Your Feedback on Vendors for PPS Math Curriculum for Grades 9-12

Over the past year, we have had the opportunity to research, evaluate and field test new vendors for math curriculum in Portland Public Schools for grades 6-12. We have narrowed the choices to two venders for middle school grades (6-8) and two for high school (9-12). Curriculum is the materials.

Lunar New Year Celebrations in the U.S

The Lunar New Year is coming up and the PPS Language Access Services Team shares some reflections about the importance of this celebration.
