accompsett parent portal

by Alycia Christiansen 4 min read

How do I Register my child on the family access portal?

- The registration process requires the student's N number. NOT the student's PIN number. When entering the student's N number, do not enter the N or leading zero's. For instructions on registering as a new user on the Family Access portal (click here). For further information, contact your child's school.

How do I add a second student to my family access?

- If you are a parent/guardian and already have a sign on to Family Access and need to add a second student - sign into Family Access using your existing user name and password. Add the second student by clicking “Settings” and select "My Students" from the menu. - The registration process requires the student's N number.

How do I sign in as a returning parent/guardian/student?

- If you are a returning parent/guardian/student and had portal access last year, please try to sign in using your user name and password from last year. - If you are a parent/guardian and already have a sign on to Family Access and need to add a second student - sign into Family Access using your existing user name and password.


How much is a PTA family membership?

A family membership is $15.00. A Family membership covers membership and benefits for both parents. With a family membership, you also have two votes in all PTA meetings and elections.

What is the PTA?

The PTA is the perfect environment to share ideas, concerns, and experiences to make the school year better for everyone.

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