achievers parent portal

by Ashtyn Rogahn DVM 3 min read

What grade level is achievers for?

Achievers opened its doors on August 27, 2018 with our founding 6th-grade class and will grow each year to ultimately serve students in grades 6-12. Why? Read more information about STEAM and Early College Prep.

Why choose achievers early college prep?

Achievers Early College Prep benefits from the leadership and experience of New York and New Jersey-based public and public charter schools, teachers, college professors, community leaders and early college high school leaders around the country.

Why choose aquatic achievers?

The team are extremely supportive of families and our children love swimming there. We are very impressed with the quality of the program compared with other schools. The staff have been exceptional. We started at Aquatic Achievers with a child who screamed at the sight of water and now have a very confident swimmer.


Who is responsible for checking in a child?

Parents are responsible to make sure their child is checked in every morning. If child is not checked in, NAA is not responsible for the child. Parents are also to check child out when picking up.

What is the first step in a child care application?

An initial conference with the Director to determine that the individual needs of each child can be met by the center. A complete file, containing all the following required documentation: Step 1: Completed Application. Step 2: Registration Fee and first week’s tuition. Step 3: Completed Admissions Agreement.
