acs international parents portal

by Iva Shanahan 10 min read

Why join ACS Cobham's parent support organization?

As parents of an ACS Cobham student, you are automatically a member of the PSO. The main objectives of the PSO are to support and enrich our children's learning experience, to help facilitate communication among parents, staff and students, and to enhance the sense of community, which is so special here at ACS Cobham.

What do I do if I don't know my ACS intranet password?

Parents if you do not know your ACS Intranet password please provide the details requested below. You will require access to your email account to do this, as an activation email will be sent to you during the reset process.

What are parent usernames?

Parent usernames are the first 5 numbers of your school fees account number, eg. acc number: 9999901, the username is 99999.


The Parent-School Organisation

The PSO (Parent-School Organisation) at ACS Cobham would like to extend a warm welcome to all prospective families.

Finding a Home

Our Admissions team will be pleased to tell you about popular residential local areas to support your move.

The PSO Country Rep Group

The Welcome Team works closely together with the PSO Country Rep Group (CRG), which consists of one or more parent representatives from most of the countries represented on campus. The CRG reps aim to welcome each new family in their own native language, and help them settle in their new environment and culture.

ACS Cobham News

We're looking forward to welcoming @DrRadhaModgil at our The World Needs...Kindness Warriors event. Find out more here:

Parent School Organisation (PSO)

The PSO is our school's association of parents, teachers, students and administrators, and every parent whose child attends ACS Hillingdon is a member of the PSO. We have a wonderful and pro-active PSO who take great pride in the work they do in organising and running many special and memorable events.

Multicultural Committee

To help promote cultural awareness, the PSO has a Multicultural Committee. This group holds regular events and shares friendship, ideas and experiences between the more than 40 countries represented on campus.

Fine Arts Liaison

The PSO also has a Fine Arts Liaison who is responsible for helping to promote and enhance the Arts (drama, music and visual arts) at the school. The Athletics Committee helps support the Middle and High School athletics programmes.

PSO Transition Team

The Transition Team is another vital part of the PSO, offering assistance and guidance to families adjusting to life here in the UK and at our school.
