adfa parent portal

by Eloisa Wisoky 3 min read

What is the ADFA program?

For future home owners and housing developers, ADFA programs support the construction and preservation of affordable housing in Arkansas. For business owners, we provide financing options to assist you to expand operations and job opportunities in our state.

Why choose ADFA for business owners?

For business owners, we provide financing options to assist you to expand operations and job opportunities in our state. ADFA Homeownership Programs make purchasing a home more affordable for low-to-moderate income families & individuals.

What is an ADFA bond guaranty?

The Development Finance Division provides financing options to assist businesses in expanding operations and providing employment opportunities in Arkansas. An ADFA bond guaranty improves a company’s credit worthiness to make bonds marketable nationwide.


What is a parent club?

Local parent clubs and class spirit committees are an essential part of the Academy experience, as they facilitate communication between the university and parents of cadets. These organizations provide opportunities to ask questions, voice opinions and grow personal networks, while supporting cadets by purchasing gifts and sponsoring morale events. To learn more, click here.

What is parent weekend?

Parent’s Weekend is an exciting opportunity for cadets to reconnect with their family for the first time following Basic Cadet Training . It is held over Labor Day weekend and includes a Cadet Wing Parade, an Information Fair, and an opportunity for parents and cadets to attend Academic, Squadron, Athletic and Airfield open houses. Due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19, we have not determined if we will hold the event in 2020. For the latest information, click here.

Is it easy to be a parent to a cadet?

We understand being the parent of a cadet isn’t easy. Not only is your child being challenged to cope with the demands of college, but they must also balance rigorous military training to successfully graduate as Second Lieutenants in the United States Air and Space Forces. To ensure you have all the resources and knowledge to support your cadet ...

What is Alpha Omega Academy?

As a partner in educating your student, Alpha Omega Academy comes alongside parents to offer your child experienced teachers, advisors, and support staff who customize education to meet the needs of your student in a way that is shaped by Christian faith. With live one-on-one teacher support, AOA gives your student the assurance ...

Does Alpha Omega Academy have a graduation ceremony?

Graduation Ceremonies. For all students who meet AOA’s graduation requirements, Alpha Omega Academy offers a fully accredited high school diploma. In addition, optional cap-and-gown graduation ceremonies are held annually to give graduates the ability to share their accomplishment with their families and guests.
