adis muroor parent portal

by Jolie Douglas 9 min read

How to upload student photo in Parent Portal?

Step 1: login in to parent portal (in browser or in mobile app). Step 2: To upload photo click on student profile -> click on blank photo and upload photo. Note: Photo size should be less than 200 KB and MUST be in school uniform.

What is the history of Shabia Muroor school?

He generously gifted a plot of land, measuring 175mx 150m, in Shabia Muroor, New Airport Road, to the Indian Ambassador to build an educational institution. The school was moved to the sprawling new premises in the year 1980.

How can I Change my Password and photo in Parent Portal?

We strongly recommend you to change your password at first login. If you forget password click on forget password link given on login page.) Step 1: login in to parent portal (in browser or in mobile app). Step 2: To upload photo click on student profile -> click on blank photo and upload photo.


The description of ADIS-Muroor App

The app helps in RFID readers installed in the School and validates if any Student is present or Absent in the School, with the help of Teacher’s validation. The app provides seamless connectivity and works in offline mode in classrooms.

ADIS-Muroor Tags

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Online Registration

We are delighted to welcome you to Al Durrah International School. Our admissions team is on hand to support you and your children throughout the admissions process. Should you require any information, please don’t hesitate to call 052 971 1116 | 0508945678 or email us at

Re-registration for Our Current Students

Parents of all students enrolled in ADIS 2020/21 academic year can proceed with the re-registration by clicking on the below link using the student’s school account to access. Then you will browse the school’s portal, click on the registration icon to request an appointment for re-registration completion.

How to use parent portal in Indian school?

To use “International Indian School Parent Portal” in browser. Step 1: open school website. URL to open school website is: Step 2: Click the "Parent Portal" button on the top of the website or "Login" button in the Parent Portal Page of the website. Step 3: Enter parent id and password ( Please contact school ...

How to upload a photo to a student ID?

Step 1: login in to parent portal (in browser or in mobile app). Step 2: To upload photo click on student profile -> click on blank photo and upload photo. Note: Photo size should be less than 200 KB and MUST be in school uniform. JPEG format is preferred.

The description of Abu Dhabi Indian School - Muroor App

Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:

Abu Dhabi Indian School - Muroor Tags

By adding tag words that describe for Games&Apps, you're helping to make these Games and Apps be more discoverable by other APKPure users.

Where is the Abu Dhabi Indian School?

Abu Dhabi Indian School, which is a premier community school in the Gulf, could well be considered a twin of this youthful nation which came into being in the year 1971. The school began functioning in the year 1975 from the humble premises of the India Social Centre, Abu Dhabi, to cater to the needs of the children of the Indian community in Abu Dhabi. As the strength of students grew, the need for new premises became evident. Mr. Mohan Jashanmal, CEO of Jashanmal National Co. and members of the community were instrumental in approaching the late President of the UAE, H.H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan with this in view. He generously gifted a plot of land, measuring 175mx 150m, in Shabia Muroor, New … Read More

Is Abu Dhabi Indian School good?

The Abu Dhabi Indian School provides an acceptable quality of education. Senior leaders and the governing body have established and maintained a safe and caring environment in which respect for others is very highly developed. Students conduct themselves maturely and are keen to learn.

Where is Sheikh Zayed's school?

Sheikh Zayed gifted land measuring 175mx 150m, in Shabia Muroor, New Airport Road, to the Indian Ambassador to build an educational institution. The current Chairman of the School is Dr. B.R. Shetty, a well-known and respected businessman whose NMC Healthcare is listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Is Abu Dhabi Indian School a non profit?

Founded in 1971 Abu Dhabi Indian School is a not-for-profit private K-12 school located near Muroor, Abu Dhabi. Its overall ADEK rating in 2016 was Good. The latest round of ADEK inspections for 2017-18 ended in a reduction in rating to Acceptable.
