adjust navigation items parent portal powerschool

by Mr. Arvid Bechtelar PhD 7 min read

How do I navigate the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The navigation menu serves as the central point from which to navigate the pages of the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The navigation menu will appear on each screen, making it very easy to navigate from one area to another. 1. Grades and Attendance- Click to view student grades and attendance for the current term.

How do I add a student to my PowerSchool account?

Log into PowerSchool Parent Portal (see page 1 on how to log in). 3. Click on Account Preferences. 4. Click the Studentstab. 5. The children presently attached to your account will appear. Click Add. 6. The system will navigate to a screen where you will need to enter the Student Name,

How do I view my child’s grades in PowerSchool?

Test Results– Click the PowerSchool tab in order to view EOG and EOC scores for your child. 3. Grade History- Click to view student’s grades for the previous years. Click each tab within Grade History to view grades achieved during that school year.

How do I log in to my school or district?

You can visit your school or district website, or speak with your school or district administrators. PowerSchool logins are granted by schools and districts. Each school will verify your identity before giving you an account to help protect student data and privacy. From there, you can log in to your school or district’s respective portal.


How do I change quarters in PowerSchool?

In PowerTeacher Pro located in the upper right hand corner is a drop down menu to change between quarters, exams, and semesters.

What does the arrow mean in PowerSchool?

APP FEATURES From the bottom of the Dashboard you also have access to grades, assignments, attendance and much more. a. Colored squares and arrows - A green-filled square with an up arrow indicates the student's grade has done up since the last update. A red square and down arrow indicate the grade has gone down.

What can parents see on PowerSchool?

What can Parents see and do in a class?STUDENT CAN SEE:AssessmentsAssessment Description, Questions, Own Question Results, Own Assessment ResultsAssignmentsAll Assignments, Assignment Description, Own Posts & Teacher ResponsesAttendanceOwn AttendanceCalendarAll Events9 more rows

How do I hide my PowerSchool from my parents?

How do I remove Parents from my roster?Open the appropriate class roster (Manage Class > Edit Roster)Click the Manage Roster menu and choose the Roster Settings option.Un-check the Allow parents in roster checkbox & click Save.

What does Z mean in PowerSchool?

• The “Z” grade is for internal use only and is not visible to the student. It appears and functions as an F. rather than as a Z on the transcript. Only the “F” grade is visible to the student.

What does G mean on a school register?

If a school does not agree absence and the pupil goes on holiday, absence is unauthorised (Code G). If parents keep a child away for longer than was agreed, any extra time is recorded as unauthorised (Code G).

What can parents see on Parent Portal?

Families will have access to view gradebooks, transcripts, daily attendance, report cards and test scores. Families will also have the option to update emergency contact information and medical information from their portal account.

What is Torrance district code?

Torrance UnifiedCountyLos AngelesDistrictTorrance Unified List of active district's schoolsCDS Code19 65060 0000000District Address2335 Plaza Del Amo Torrance, CA 90501-3420 Google Map Link opens new browser tabMailing Address2335 Plaza Del Amo Torrance, CA 90501-342014 more rows•Mar 23, 2022

How do you stop your parents from checking your grades?

While you can't prevent your parents from logging in and seeing your grades, you can try to stop them:Log on to the portal. Copy the format of your grades into an editing program.Manually alter the grades and print off the changed report. Show it to your parents.

How do I tell my parents I got a bad score?

How to Talk to Your Parents about a Bad GradeDon't cave in to the temptation to lie. ... Get it over with as soon as possible. ... Imagine the worst possible outcome. ... Expect disappointment. ... Present an overall picture of your grades. ... If you have older siblings, ask them for tips. ... Show remorse.More items...•

Why do my parents only care about my grades?

Well, you are not alone. Parents care more about their child's grades than the child itself. Parents expect many things from their offspring, but the most valuable thing in their eyes is good grades. They want their children to succeed in life and in their vision, only good grades lead to a successful life.

New to the District

If you are new to the district, the building secretary has created accounts for the primary and secondary contact. The username is the first name and last name with first letter capital on each. Example: JohnSmith The password is the name of the building (spelled out) the student is attending in all lower case letters with no special characters.

Accessing Documents and Files

In your PowerSchool account, click on the SwiftReach SwiftK12 icon, located under the “Alerting” heading.

Updating Account Preferences

Click on the Profile tab to update the account email, language, username and/or password.

Viewing Report Cards

The quarterly report cards are posted to the parent portal accounts for 60 days. Notification is sent to guardians by text message, email and social media when the report cards have been posted. See Accessing Documents and Files for assistance.

Returning Student Registration

Towards the end of the school year, the guardians are notified by an email stating Returning Student Registration is ready to be completed for the returning student. The definition of “returning student” is the students who are already attending and enrolled in one of our district schools for the current school year.

Allow Parents to See Classes

You can set the Default status for newly-created classes at a domain-wide level to allow parents in roster through the Settings area of the Manage Domain menu. Navigate to the Classes tab of this menu, then check the Default Class Visibility Settings option of "Allow Parents in Rosters".*

Method 1: Via Import

Add parents along with the other users contained in your users.csv file, marked with the role of "P." For more information on our CSV import files, check out the specification file for the import type you are using:

Method 3: Manually

Add Parent accounts manually through the Domain Control Add Account button.

Method 4: Let Teachers add Parents via Parent Invitations in the Roster

Teachers can print a unique Invitation for any or all students currently enrolled in a class through the Roster area. To do this, they will want to find the student in the Roster, then select Manage > Print Invitation, to to select the student's name then the Parent Invite dropdown menu.

Assessment & Analytics

Login to PowerSchool Assessment (formerly onTRAC), PowerSchool Analytics (formerly onTRAC LDS), or PowerTest (formerly iTest).


Create and deliver rich, engaging content with embedded lessons, easily receive digital files from students, and electronically provide comments, feedback, and grades.

Online Training

If you’re a subscriber of Professional Development Plus (PD+), login here or contact a sales rep to learn more.


PowerSource is a community-focused customer support portal for all PowerSchool products.


Streamline enrollment for new student applications and enrollment, school choice and lotteries, annual student.
