adomain_7don parent portal

by Mr. Maximillian Schinner V 10 min read

Is the parent portal open at accompsett?

The Parent Portal is now open for all Middle Schools and High Schools. Accompsett Middle School presented Disney’s “The Lion King Jr.” from April 1-2. The cast of sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders spent many months rehearsing lines, choreography and vocal harmonies (both in English and Swahili). ...

What is the parent portal?

Student ID (5 digit code) of each child (if known) The Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet. You have access to: Grades Schedule Homework assignments

How do parents access student information in Austin ISD?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records.

What is the parent portal and Arbor app?

The Parent Portal is our version of Arbor accessible to guardians on a laptop or computer. What is the Arbor App? The Arbor App is the mobile version of our Parent Portal, for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Parents can download the Arbor App for free from either the Play store for Android phones or the App Store for IOS.


What can parents not see?

What Parents can’t see: The student’s address and home phone number if they don’t live with the student. Another Guardian’s address or contact details - they can only see their name. Who logged a phone call or the call notes. Documents attached to the Student record. Notes pinned on the student profile.

Can parents check in on their child's progress?

Parents can also check in on their child’s attendance, behaviour and progress. Plus, your school can communicate with parents for free using our In-App Messaging feature. Take a look at this article to learn more about using In-app messages.
