adventure club roseville parent portal

by Eleanore Larkin 7 min read

How do I contact Adventure Club of Roseville?

Please call 916-772-7529 for more information or visit the City of Roseville website at City of Roseville – Adventure Club .

What are the age requirements to join Adventure Club?

Students must be 4 years and 9 months through 12 years old to attend. Age-appropriate activities which are designed to meet a child's social, physical and intellectual needs are offered under the guidance of trained personnel. Adventure Club childcare sites are located on school campuses at Dry Creek and Roseville City School Districts.

Where is adventure club childcare located?

Adventure Club childcare sites are located on school campuses at Dry Creek and Roseville City School Districts. Non-school days and vacation breaks are available too. Adventure Club continues to take advanced measures to prioritize the safety of children and staff while attending the program.

What is the Adventure Club?

The Adventure Clubs are state-licensed, school-age, childcare facilities operated by the City of Roseville in conjunction with the Roseville Unified and Dry Creek School Districts. Adventure Club provides a safe, caring environment for the elementary school-age child.


When is Adventure Club open for 2021?

Registration for open spots in Adventure Club for the 2021/2022 school year begins online Monday, May 3 at 9:00am. School Year 2021/2022 Rate Sheet.

When is summer camp 2021?

Camp runs Monda y, June 7, 2021 - Friday, July 30, 2021. Summer registration for current families begins online Tuesday, April 6, at 9:00am . Open Enrollment starts online Monday, May 3, at 9:00am for new families. New families will need to click on the link below to create an account to register.

When will siblings be notified of availability for 2021?

Siblings are not guaranteed a spot. Parents will be notified by their site of availability the week of April 19. Transfer students will automatically have the same schedule for the 2021/2022 School Year at the site they attended in the 2020/2021 School Year.

Affordable Internet Options

AT&T, is now offering high-speed Internet service to low-income Americans for just $5 per month. If you meet the eligibility standards and you live in an area served by AT&T, you can now get high-speed Internet service for a mere $5 per month.

Educational Tools

College Explorer Tool See where Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) interim assessment scores can take your students with our unique College Explorer tool. This tool links to MAP scores for students in grades 5-9 to colleges and universities based on the median ACT scores of students who were admitted and enrolled in those institutions

Assessment, Feedback, and Grading

Please see the resources below regarding RCSD assessment, Feedback, and Grading.

Short-Term Independent Study

Parents/guardians looking to take their student (s) out on short-term independent study for personal family business (not quarantined) must complete the online form. Paper forms will no longer be available at the office.

COVID-19 School & Student Information

RCSD continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our students and staff. As information changes or is updated, RCSD will work to provide updated guidance to all. Below is information on current health guidance, close contacts, and testing information.
