aeries abi internet parent portal

by Jovani Erdman I 5 min read

What is Aeries portal?

Aeries is the online student, parent and teacher portal used to manage student profiles, grades, communication and all other administrative items need to ensure our students thrive throughout their academic life. The portal provides easy access and shares real-time information for parents, students and their school sites.

What is the purpose of the Portal account?

Use your Portal account to monitor your child's attendance, grades, test scores, and assessments. This portal is also used for registration and/or re-enrollment document confirmation at the beginning of each school year.

What information is collected in a student's school?

Information about the student such as emergency contact, medical, authorizations, and language will be collected. The student’s information will be electronically sent to the selected school.

When is the Aeries Portal available?

Note : The Aeries Portal may not be available to parents and students until the second week of school each year.

How to link Aeries to another student?

Linking to Additional Children: Once you have created an account for one student in your family, you may link to your other children through Aeries Portal by clicking the CURRENT STUDENT drop-down menu selector at the top right-hand side of the ABI home page and click the link to " Add Additional Student Not Currently Listed ." You will need to provide a separate Permanent ID number, telephone number, and VPC for each additional student to which you would like to link.

Can a 13 year old have an email account?

Students under the age of 13 may not yet have an email account of their own, and parents may not yet be ready for them to have their own accounts. In those cases, we encourage parents to either establish a parent-monitored email account for their child or simply allow your student to also use your Aeries Portal parent account once created.

Does Aeries Portal send email?

Note : The Aeries Portal server will send an automated message to your private email address as part of the Aeries Portal account creation process. Be sure that your email account is set to allow incoming messages from the domain "". Since the emails will be automated, many email systems (notably AOL) reject such messages unless the exact email address or its domain name is added to the safe senders list.
