aeries parent portal albany

by Jana Stehr 6 min read

How do I access the aeries Parent Portal?

The Aeries Parent Portal can be accessed using the following link or copy/pasting it to your search bar: For the 2020-2021 school year new Parent/Student Portal accounts will be created and distributed automatically through email by Aeries. Existing Portal accounts should be unaffected if the email in Aeries has not changed.

Who can access the AUSD Parent Portal?

Only parents or guardians of students enrolled in Albany High school & albany middle school will be allowed access to AUSD Parent Portal. AUSD reserves the right to deny or cease access to AUSD Parent Portal due to the abuse of the system, court orders, or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of private educational data.

How are parent/student portal accounts distributed for the 2020-21 school year?

For the 2020-2021 school year new Parent/Student Portal accounts will be created and distributed automatically through email by Aeries. Existing Portal accounts should be unaffected if the email in Aeries has not changed.

When will the Albany unified school district return to classroom instruction?

He continued, “Albany Unified School District expects to open the 2021-2022 school year with fully in-person instruction. It is impossible to predict future conditions, but at this time, AUSD expects to return to classroom instruction for all grades.”


What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?

and related federal regulations, require a continuum of regional program options to meet students with disabilities needs for special education and related services.

What is a SELPA?

SELPAs ensure access to special education and services for all students with disabilities residing within the geographic areas served by each Local Plan. The Albany Unified School District is a member of the North Region SELPA, and below are the SELPA's Local Plan documents.

When will Albany Unified School District reopen?

He continued, “Albany Unified School District expects to open the 2021-2022 school year with fully in-person instruction.
