aeries parent portal description

by Dr. Lemuel Kassulke MD 7 min read

The Aeries Student and Parent Portal is a service through which students and parents/guardians can access live student records, such as attendance and final grades, and for parents/guardians to complete the annual registration process online.

The Aeries Student Information System has several features that support the work of the school and provide timely information to students and parents. Through a secure portal, students and parents can sign up for access to see attendance and grade information.

Full Answer

How do I access the parent portal?

Secure payments

  • 100% digital, instant transactions
  • Our automated facility means making multiple and recurring payments easy
  • Your data is saved avoiding the need to re-enter your information.
  • All your fee payments and billing are in one place, meaning visibility across your transactions is easy

How to access parent portal?

To access the Schedule menu in the Client Portal:

  • Log in to the Client Portal at
  • Click the Schedule menu on the main menu bar Or, the Appointments widget in your Dashboard provides quick access to view your upcoming appointments
  • The Calendar view defaults to week view. ...
  • Click any appointment in the calendar to view all of the appointment details

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How to create Parent Portal?

How-To Create a NEW Aeries Parent Portal Account. Step 1: Contact school site and provide a valid email address . You will receive the following email . Step 2: ...

How to sign up for Parent Portal?

  • Students should sign into myState
  • Click the box in the top left corner next to the myState logo
  • Click on Banner link
  • Click on myBanner for Students
  • Under Academic Records, students will click on FERPA Release & Parent Portal Access
  • Click on add New Parent / Guardian and complete the required information, including an email address

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What are Parent portal?

Parent Portal means the online communication system through which the School can provide information to Parents.

How do parents access aeries?

Once Parents/Guardians or Students have the required information in hand (ID Number, Telephone, and VPC), they can go to the Aeries Portal link provided by their District and click on the Create New Account link. This takes them through the Registration Process. Note: Multiple languages are supported within the portal.

How do you use aeries?

2:388:05Aeries Tutorial - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOnce you log into aries it's going to take you to the dashboard for your student. If you haveMoreOnce you log into aries it's going to take you to the dashboard for your student. If you have multiple students enrolled at bay tech you can select change student in the menu bar.

What is aeries known for?

Aries are spontaneous and courageous. They have a sense of adventure and love to explore. They're determined and bold, and are good at initiating new projects. They have high energy and can initiate quick actions.

How do you make a student portal?

0:182:13Creating a Student Portal Account - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you are a new student click on create an account. Select role as student enter your registrationMoreIf you are a new student click on create an account. Select role as student enter your registration number in full as your username. Then enter your preferred password below.

How do I edit my aeries portal?

Select the Contact to edit. Click on the pencil icon to make the change. OR click on the “Add” button circled red to add additional contact(s). Make the necessary changes, then click on “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

How do I access my grades on aeries?

STEP 1: Go to and click on the Aeries Link on the left column. Then please enter your login information to access your student's account in the box highlighted by the blue arrow. STEP 2: The opening page is the “Home” page and will provide current grades directly from your student's active grade book.

How do Students get transcripts from aeries?

The Transcript page is found in Student Data | Grades in the navigation menu. Select the student to print the transcript for. Click the Print icon in the upper right corner of the page or the Print button below the GPA summary to print the student's transcript.

How do I verify student data on aeries?

HOVER your cursor over “Change Student.” Drag your cursor down to CLICK on the correct student. HOVER your cursor over “Student Info.” Drag your cursor down and CLICK on “Data Confirmation.” CLICK on “Click Here” to begin the Data Confirmation Process (this option will go away after you complete the process).

What is a Leo description?

Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac, as magnificent and striking as the Lion that embodies their sign. Leos are radiantly joyful, liberal with their appeal and endowments. They are fiercely proud and confident. They love and live life to the fullest rather than being in charge at home, work, and play.

What makes Aries so special?

Along with being creative and very imaginative, they are very kind and sympathetic. Aries natives are very punctual and keep everything well planned. They love being sorted when it comes to planning. With everything that makes them great, their faithfulness and honest is what makes their personality remarkable.

Why are Aries woman so attractive?

Aries are attractive because: They have big, genuine smiles which light up their face when they see people they love and like. They are adventurous, passionate and spontaneous, and being around them means adventures are likely to happen.

What database is used for parent portal?

Below is a list of common database tables and fields used with parent portal account management. These consist of the PWA table which stores parent and student portal accounts, and the PWS table which stores students associated to portal accounts.

What is PWA.TY?

PWA.TY – Account Type. Valid values are P for Parent, or S for Student.

What does PWA.XD mean?

PWA.XD – Expiration Date. If this field is populated with a date, the user is not allowed to login after that date. The user is presented with a message “This account has expired.” on the login page on after the date specified.

Can a portal account be a parent?

Each portal account is tagged as either a Parent or Student. Occasionally there may be the need to change an account type from Parent to Student or vice versa. For example, a Parent may have set up their account as a Student account and cannot access Data Confirmation. Or a Student registered as a Parent. The account type can be modified via a Change query. The account type is stored as a “P” or “S” value in the TY field of the PWA table.

Can a school check if there is an existing account?

At this point the User should contact the school for assistance. The school can check if there is an existing account. If not , they can provide the information necessary to create an account.

Is a portal account a parent or student?

Each portal account is tagged as either a Parent or Student. Occasionally there may be the need to change an account type from parent to student or vice versa. This may be necessary to allow the parent to access resources only available to parents (such as Data Confirmation), but they mistakenly have a student type account. This can be changed via a Change query when necessary. The account type is stored as a “P” or “S” value in the TY field of the PWA table.

How do I access the Aeries Portal?

Student and parent/guardian Aeries Portal accounts require an email address. Once your email address is entered into Aeries, either by your school or through the registration process, you will receive an email with your username and password.

What can I do in the Aeries Portal?

The Aeries Portal provides a way to view student records online, and for parents/guardians to update certain records online. The Portal has a navigation bar with links to the various parts of the Portal:

What is a primary student in Aeries?

Aeries has a concept of a “primary student”, and that’s the student that appears on the email notification. You will still have access to all students that are linked to your email address. (Refer back to #4 if after logging in you only see one of your students).

What documents are in the portal?

The only documents in the portal are the District’s mandatory forms. If your school has additional documents for you to review, those documents will be linked to at the end of the portal.

Is there a password for Aeries?

There is no password for Aeries. Log into your District-provided email before accessing Aeries. Once logged into your email, proceed to Aeries, input your username, and click Next. Click on Log in with Google.

What is Aeries online enrollment?

Aeries Online Enrollment allows a parent to quickly start the process of enrolling a student for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected. Upon completion, the student's information is electronically sent to the school.

What is the next screen on a Parent account?

The next screen allows the Parent to create a new account and requires a Name, an email address and password. After the Create Account button is clicked, the next screen shows the Terms of Service. The Parent must agree to these before continuing.

What is the local physician information page?

The Local Physician Information page is an optional page to show during the enrollment process. The system defaults this page to display. In the Admin console there are 3 display choices for this page:

How many parents can you add to the resident parent information page?

The Resident Parent Information page has the option to add information for 2 Parent/Guardians. This page requires that information is filled in for at least one parent/guardian before the parent can proceed with the enrollment process.

What is the general student information page?

The General Student Information page asks for information such as the Student gender, contact numbers, and race/ethnicity information, if required by the Admin Settings. This information imports into the Student Demographic and Language pages in Aeries.

What does "show" mean in enrollment?

Show (Optional) - Display the page during the enrollment process but not require it to be completed

How many emergency contacts can you add to a child's account?

The Emergency Contacts page has the option to add up to four Emergency Contacts. This page requires that information is filled in for at least one emergency contact before the Parent can proceed with the enrollment process.

What is Aeries web only?

Aeries Web Only. Stores a summary of student level qualifications to different Aeries Analytics Analysis Items by school and grade

What is a parent data confirmation table?

Table used by Parent Data Confirmation to store a log of parent access to each document and records if they digitally confirmed the information in the document

What is the purpose of the table in the new hires report?

Contains Estimated New Hires information. This table is used to record the number of estimated new hires in each subject area for the following school year. This data is used for state reporting.

Can names, addresses, and function variables of schools within the district be DISTRICT MANAGED?

Names, Addresses, and Function variables of schools within the District – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.

What is CON.CD in Aeries?

The district can implement a Contact Code ( CON.CD) in the code table with a Value of 9.00 in the Amount field. This indicates to Aeries and the Portal that this Contact record is a restricted individual.

What is restricted portal?

A portal account can become restricted when certain SSD fields are populated. When this restriction is in place for the student, any parent or student account tied to that student will take on only the permissions given to the Restricted Portal Account group and will no longer have the permissions of the Parent Portal Group. A banner message will also be displayed.

Can a principal click on a link?

The principal or designee can click on one of two links: Accept or Reject. After the correct link is clicked on, an email indicating the action will be sent to the address of the person requesting access to that student. Unlike STU.DNR, the restricted contact flag does not hide any contact information.

How to log in to Aeries?

Log in to Aeries using your email address and password. (Keep this information in a safe place because it will be used every year).

What is Aeries data confirmation?

Data Confirmation is a feature of Aeries that allows parents to update student demographics, contacts, and authorization information. This account will be used for the yearly Parent Data Confirmation process. The Parent Data Confirmation process is required every school year your child is enrolled in our District.

Does Aeries have parent portal?

You now have an Aeries Parent Portal account linked to your student.
