aeries parent portal garden grove ca

by Joannie Bins 7 min read

What can I do with the aeries Parent Portal?

With the Aeries Parent Portal you can update medical, contact and demographic information, as well as read and sign Simi Valley Unified School District's Acceptable Use Policy and other important documents. In the past, you would have signed these documents in our Parents Rights' Handbook.

Where can I find last year's data for aeries?

Get the Aeries Mobile Portal App! To access last year's data (2020-2021 including Summer School) please CLICK THIS LINK.

How does the school district of Garden Grove communicate with families?

Garden Grove Unified School District is communicating with families via ParentSquare (voicemail, email and text message). You do not need to “activate your account” to receive ParentSquare messages. If you are not receiving ParentSquare messages, please follow these simple instructions:

How do I request access to my school's parentportal?

If it does not match what is in ParentPortal, select “Request Access” and an email will be sent to your school principal who will approve your access.


How long does it take to update Aeries?

All updates take 24 hours. Once your information is up-to-date in Aeries Parent Portal, you should receive ParentSquare messages (voice, email, text) from the district and your child (ren)’s school. If your contact information is up-to-date in Parent Portal, and you are still not receiving ParentSquare messages, ...

What happens if you don't activate Parentsquare?

If you do not activate your account, you will still receive ParentSquare notifications (vo icemail, email, text).

Aeries Portal

We ask that you please understand that maintaining online grades take a great deal of effort on the part of teachers. We update grades as often as possible.

Staff Aeries Portal

Staff can access thier staff portal by clicking on the link below. Staff Aeries Portal

Peaceful Playground at Garden Grove

Peaceful Playground is a playground system designed to put an end to most playground conflicts. Peaceful Playground teaches students important life skills using these six key principles:


Bullying: The actions of a student are INTENTIONAL, REPEATED and HURTFUL acts, words, or other behavior which occur in a relationship where there is an IMBALANCE OF POWER.
