aeries parent portal help

by Zula Gutmann II 6 min read

How do I access the parent portal?

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How to access parent portal?

To access the Schedule menu in the Client Portal:

  • Log in to the Client Portal at
  • Click the Schedule menu on the main menu bar Or, the Appointments widget in your Dashboard provides quick access to view your upcoming appointments
  • The Calendar view defaults to week view. ...
  • Click any appointment in the calendar to view all of the appointment details

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How to create Parent Portal?

How-To Create a NEW Aeries Parent Portal Account. Step 1: Contact school site and provide a valid email address . You will receive the following email . Step 2: ...

How to sign up for Parent Portal?

  • Students should sign into myState
  • Click the box in the top left corner next to the myState logo
  • Click on Banner link
  • Click on myBanner for Students
  • Under Academic Records, students will click on FERPA Release & Parent Portal Access
  • Click on add New Parent / Guardian and complete the required information, including an email address

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How do I get my aeries verification code?

Before you begin, be sure to get your student's Verification Code from Cybertech Support at, (866) 223-8685. You will need it before you can setup your Aeries Parent Portal account.

Why can't I log into aeries portal?

What do I do? Please check your email for "Aeries" to see if anything has changed. If you cannot remember your password, at the login screen select forgot password. If you have trouble still, contact your district.

How do I reset my aeries portal password?

Click on the Forgot Password link.Enter the email address that is associated with your portal.account, and click Next.Copy the Email Code in the email you received.Enter the email address that is associated with your.Paste the code into the Email Code field and click Next.Click Next.

How do I make a parent portal aeries account?

Once Parents/Guardians or Students have the required information in hand (ID Number, Telephone, and VPC), they can go to the Aeries Portal link provided by their District and click on the Create New Account link. This takes them through the Registration Process. Note: Multiple languages are supported within the portal.

How do I fix errors on aeries?

If you encounter a Server Error or DataReader error or GetDataReader, or invalid column name error, a common solution to this error is to be sure to apply the latest AdminCS update to Aeries. This will update your database with any updates to tables or fields that may be needed.

How do I change my email address on aeries?

To change your email address, navigate the top right and click your email address. You'll see a drop down choice to change your email address. This will also change your login for the portal. Next, click edit.

How do I reset my aeries?

You are Done!Open the App.Select Forgot Password.Enter your email address.Select Next.Check your email.Open the email from Click Here.Select Next.More items...

How do I delete parent aeries account?

Removing an account - To remove an account altogether, click the red X on the left side of the screen next to the email address. This deletes the account completely. Resending account verification email – Clicking on the envelope icon resends the account confirmation email.

How do I change my students grades on aeries?

Click the Edit icon to change an existing grade record. Make any necessary changes and when completed click the Save icon. Click the Add New Record button to add a new Grade record. A notification will display with an option to link the grade record to an existing section.

How do you add students to aeries?

Click on the box to the left of the student's name to select. Click the mouse on the Add Students button at the bottom of the page to add them to the gradebook. The student will now be included in the list of students on the Manage Students form for the selected gradebook.

What database is used for parent portal?

Below is a list of common database tables and fields used with parent portal account management. These consist of the PWA table which stores parent and student portal accounts, and the PWS table which stores students associated to portal accounts.

How to remove a student from a parent account?

Removing a student from an account - To remove a student from a parent account, click the red X on the right side of the screen. Clicking this will disassociate the student from the parent account. Note: if the student is at multiple schools, removing one school removes them all.

Can a parent change their password without verifying?

After resetting their password in this manner, the parent can immediately log in without the need to verify an email. Changing a password to “ welcome ” or “ changeme ” will require the user to change the password the next time they log in.

Is a portal account a parent or student?

Each portal account is tagged as either a Parent or Student. Occasionally there may be the need to change an account type from parent to student or vice versa. This may be necessary to allow the parent to access resources only available to parents (such as Data Confirmation), but they mistakenly have a student type account. This can be changed via a Change query when necessary. The account type is stored as a “P” or “S” value in the TY field of the PWA table.

How to contact Aeries support?

If you don’t find what you need, please submit a support request through our support center or call us at (888) 324-5363.

Is Aeries Talk a listserv?

The Aeries_Talk Listserv is not run by Aeries Software staff. It is moderated by Aeries users and should not be viewed as a mechanism for contacting Aeries Software for Aeries support. It is, however, a useful forum to seek feedback from your fellow Aeries users.


The Contacts page is used to store the contact information for Parents/Guardians, Emergency Contacts and others who are authorized to pick up Students.

Copying Contacts

Contacts may be copied by clicking the Copy button. This will create a copy of the selected contact.

Contact Fields

Below is a listing of all available Contact (CON) fields. Note: dropdown fields that are tied to code-table managed are noted.
