aeries parent portal how to get verification code

by Ana Weissnat 6 min read

Before you begin, be sure to get your student's Verification Code from Cybertech Support at, (866) 223-8685. You will need it before you can setup your Aeries Parent Portal account.

Full Answer

How do I sign up for Parent Portal?

  • Open Canvas URL. In a browser window, enter your school's Canvas URL (e.g. ...
  • Create Canvas Account. Click the Need a Canvas Account? ...
  • Sign Up As a Parent (Free Account) Click the Parents sign up here link.
  • Enter Signup Details. Enter your name in the Your Name field. ...
  • Begin Observing. You can begin observing your student in Canvas immediately. ...

How do I access the parent portal?

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How to access parent portal?

To access the Schedule menu in the Client Portal:

  • Log in to the Client Portal at
  • Click the Schedule menu on the main menu bar Or, the Appointments widget in your Dashboard provides quick access to view your upcoming appointments
  • The Calendar view defaults to week view. ...
  • Click any appointment in the calendar to view all of the appointment details

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How to sign up for Parent Portal?

  • Students should sign into myState
  • Click the box in the top left corner next to the myState logo
  • Click on Banner link
  • Click on myBanner for Students
  • Under Academic Records, students will click on FERPA Release & Parent Portal Access
  • Click on add New Parent / Guardian and complete the required information, including an email address

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How do I make an Aeries Parent Portal account?

Go to 2. Click “Create New Account” in the lower left corner. 3. You will be prompted to select if you would like to create a Parent or Student Account.

Why can't I log into aeries?

What do I do? Please check your email for "Aeries" to see if anything has changed. If you cannot remember your password, at the login screen select forgot password. If you have trouble still, contact your district.

How do you set up aeries?

0:554:36How to setup your ARRIS SURFboard Wi-Fi Cable Modem - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipUse your hand to align the threads. And turn clockwise repeatedly to tighten the connector. FinallyMoreUse your hand to align the threads. And turn clockwise repeatedly to tighten the connector. Finally connect the power cord to the power port and plug it into a wall outlet.

How do I add a student to aeries?

Click on the box to the left of the student's name to select. Click the mouse on the Add Students button at the bottom of the page to add them to the gradebook. The student will now be included in the list of students on the Manage Students form for the selected gradebook.

What is verification code in aeries?

VPC codes are created when a Student gets added to Aeries and should never be changed. There are two options in District Settings that control the display of the VPC and who can view it. Display Verification Pass Code (STU. VPC) on Students form - Student Data 2 (STU) tab - Displays the VPC field with the code masked.

How do I fix errors on aeries?

(This site is not owned or operated by Aeries). Download and run the utility. Select the "Best Practices" button the "Schannel" and "Cipher Suite" tabs. Reboot the webserver and the error should be resolved.

How do you make a student portal account?

0:042:13Creating a Student Portal Account - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you are a new student click on create an account. Select role as student enter your registrationMoreIf you are a new student click on create an account. Select role as student enter your registration number in full as your username. Then enter your preferred password below.

How do I add transfer grades to aeries?

The Transfer Grade column has a Details button next to each student. Clicking on the Details button will display a Transfer Grade window. The Transfer Grade window options will apply to the student that the Details button was selected for. The Transfer Grade Details button only displays for Active students.

How do I change my students grades on aeries?

Click the Edit icon to change an existing grade record. Make any necessary changes and when completed click the Save icon. Click the Add New Record button to add a new Grade record. A notification will display with an option to link the grade record to an existing section.

How to create a parent account in Aeries?

Below are the steps to create an account. Click on "Login to Aeries Parent Portal” and click on “ Create New Account ” at the bottom right of the login screen. 1. Select “Parent” or “Student” and click “Next”. 2. Type in your Email Address and Password. This will be used to login to the Aeries Parent Portal.

How many pieces of information do you need to access Aeries?

In order to set up the Aeries Parent or Student Portal to access student's information, you will have to obtain three pieces of information for each student in order to complete the account registration:

Parent Portal

The Aeries Web Version Parent/Student Portal introduces multi-lingual support: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese Arabic and Armenian. When a language is selected, the text in the navigation structure is translated to the selected language.

Parent Portal Redesign

In 2019 we set out to completely redesign the Parent Portal to bring it up to modern Web Design standards and make it Mobile-friendly for our Users. The new Parent Portal brings a new interface, navigation, and accessibility features.

What database is used for parent portal?

Below is a list of common database tables and fields used with parent portal account management. These consist of the PWA table which stores parent and student portal accounts, and the PWS table which stores students associated to portal accounts.

Can a parent change their password without verifying?

After resetting their password in this manner, the parent can immediately log in without the need to verify an email. Changing a password to “ welcome ” or “ changeme ” will require the user to change the password the next time they log in.

Is a portal account a parent or student?

Each portal account is tagged as either a Parent or Student. Occasionally there may be the need to change an account type from parent to student or vice versa. This may be necessary to allow the parent to access resources only available to parents (such as Data Confirmation), but they mistakenly have a student type account. This can be changed via a Change query when necessary. The account type is stored as a “P” or “S” value in the TY field of the PWA table.

How to access parent data confirmation?

District system administrators can access the Parent Data Confirmation setup area by navigating to the Portal Options page. Settings can be individualized by school. On the Portal Options page, highlight a school in the menu on the left. Select the Parent Data Changing tab from the options to the right.

How to set up translations for data confirmation?

To set up translations for the data confirmation process custom text, select a school from the list on the left side of the Portal Options page. On the Parent Data Changing area select a tab to translate text for. Next use the language selector at the top of the Portal Options page to select a language to translate.

What does ADM field mean in PWA?

PWA accounts with the ADM field = 1 have the ability to always see the Parent Data Confirmation page regardless of the Parent Data Change Windows in Portal Options. Also these accounts will disable emailing of any other account linked to the student upon data change.

What is CON.CD in Aeries?

The district can implement a Contact Code ( CON.CD) in the code table with a Value of 9.00 in the Amount field. This indicates to Aeries and the Portal that this Contact record is a restricted individual.

What is restricted portal?

A portal account can become restricted when certain SSD fields are populated. When this restriction is in place for the student, any parent or student account tied to that student will take on only the permissions given to the Restricted Portal Account group and will no longer have the permissions of the Parent Portal Group. A banner message will also be displayed.

Can a principal click on a link?

The principal or designee can click on one of two links: Accept or Reject. After the correct link is clicked on, an email indicating the action will be sent to the address of the person requesting access to that student. Unlike STU.DNR, the restricted contact flag does not hide any contact information.


District Options ↑

Account Information ↑

  • Before the Parents/Guardians can create an account they need 3 pieces of information for each Student: 1. Student ID(STU.ID) 2. Primary Telephone (STU.TL) 3. Verification Code(STU.VPC) VPC codes are created when a Student gets added to Aeries and should never be changed. There ar…
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Creating An Account ↑

  • Once Parents/Guardians or Students have the required information in hand (ID Number, Telephone, and VPC), they can go to the AeriesPortal link provided by their District and click on the Create New Accountlink. This takes them through the Registration Process. Note: Multiple languages are supported within the portal. During this process, the individual selects theirAccou…
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Self-Associating to An Existing Contact Record ↑

  • If the School allows Parents to Self-Associate with a Contact record, the Parent is presented with a list of all contact records (CON)for that student. This only applies if the account was created as a Parent account, and there is at least one Contact record existing for the student. If the account is a Student account, the student email address field (STU.SEM) is updated. The Contact Option…
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Adding Additional Students to An Account ↑

  • The Aeries Parent and Student Portals allow individual Parent accounts to be associated with multiple students enrolled in the District. To add a new student to an account, the user must first log in to Parent Portal. The menu option to Change Student, displays a dropdown list of students currently assigned to this account well as the option to Add New Student To Your Account. To a…
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