aeries parent portal john adams academy el dorado hills

by Alexys Luettgen 10 min read

Does John Adams Academy allow independent study?

John Adams Academy desires to serve all scholars subject to legal requirements and capacity. Please note, that California Education Code does not allow scholars with exceptional needs/disabilities to participate in independent study unless their IEP specifically provides for participation in an independent study.

Can John Adams Academy enroll students?

John Adams Academy can only enroll students in the Online Program in compliance with the law. The Academy may only enroll scholars in the Online Program who reside within the county in which the Academy campus is located, or who reside within a neighboring (adjacent) county.


This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.

Culture & Safety

Based on chronic student absenteeism, suspensions/expulsions, and survey responses on the school environment from students and parents.


Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents.


Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers.

Before and After School Grades: K-8

Champions provides busy, working families like yours the flexibility to extend the learning day before and after school for school-age children. With a balance of child-initiated and teacher-led activities, our programs serve your child’s wide variety of interests and skills by giving them choice.

How soon can my child start Champions?

Your child can attend our program as early as 48 hours after you complete the online enrollment process.

When is tuition due?

Tuition is charged weekly on Thursday mornings for the following week, and is due by Friday. Payments can be made with a debit or credit card through your online account. We offer autopay for your convenience, so you can store your payment account and it will be charged weekly.

What if there are school closures or changes in scheduling?

During inclement weather conditions, it may be necessary to delay and/or close schools and childcare sites entirely. Champions will follow the delay schedule set by the school district. If school is cancelled, Champions will be cancelled.

When do I need to pick up my child?

Please be available to pick up your child before or as near the program end time as possible. To avoid late fees, arrive to collect your child within 15 minutes after the listed time. Fees will apply for extended tardiness as follows: $10 for the first 16-30 minutes and an additional $10 for each 15 minutes following that.
