aeries parent portal kentfield

by Patrick Marvin 3 min read

What is the aeries Student/Parent Portal?

The Aeries Student/Parent Portal is an online platform that allows parents, guardians, and students to log in and view student information, including contact information, attendance, class schedules, grades, transcripts, and more.

How do I enroll my child in aeries?

Visit the Aeries Online Enrollment Portal, and click Enroll A New Student. Your family already has other children attending school in the district. You are enrolling multiple children. You already have an Aeries Parent Portal account (which is NOT the enrollment portal). (b) create a new account.

How do I enroll my child in Kentfield schools?

Please confirm that your child should attend Kentfield Schools before beginning the registration process. Visit the Aeries Online Enrollment Portal, and click Enroll A New Student. Your family already has other children attending school in the district. You are enrolling multiple children.

What is aeries communications?

Aeries Communications (via ParentSquare as of 8/2020) is the primary conduit for messages between the district, your school/s, your student's teachers, and your student's responsible adult/s.


What is the Aeries student portal?

Aeries Student Portal. Student and parent/guardian Aeries Portal accounts require an email address. Once your email address is entered into Aeries, either by your school or through the registration process, you will receive an email with your username and password.

What is a primary student in Aeries?

Aeries has a concept of a “primary student”, and that’s the student that appears on the email notification. You will still have access to all students that are linked to your email address. (Refer back to #4 if after logging in you only see one of your students).

Is there a password for Aeries?

There is no password for Aeries. Log into your District-provided email before accessing Aeries. Once logged into your email, proceed to Aeries, input your username, and click Next. Click on Log in with Google.

Kent Announcements

Make your voice heard! The YouthTruth family survey window starts today.

Kent Events

Family Partners welcomes Marysha Barney, BCBA, who will speak with us about strategies to improve children's behavior at home and in the community.

Health and Safety Updates

ESSER Approved Expenditure Plan and Return to School Certification - Board approved October 12, 2021

Resources and Information

Our website has been recently updated with information and resources for homeless and foster youth according to the McKinney-Vento Act, which defines homeless children and youths as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

School Board and District Committees

Next Regular School Board Meeting: February 8, 2021, 5-8 p.m., Kent Middle School and Zoom audio, agenda

Rewarding Job Opportunities

Are you interested in part time work in a school setting? Do you enjoy working with small groups of students?

Getting To and From Kent Middle School

All visitors to Kent Middle School must enter school grounds through the main office. A visitor badge is required for all visitors and volunteers during the school day, and can be obtained in the office.

Where to cross with the crossing guard in Kent?

Kent bicyclists should proceed down to the Laurel Grove crosswalk to cross with the crossing guard as they do now, and then proceed down McAllister to school (instead of using the new crosswalk and riding through Bacich campus). Kent and Bacich walkers should continue to use the overpass or the Laurel Grove crosswalk.

What is the decision tree for Marin County?

Marin County COVID-19 Decision Tree Guidance - English & Spanish Version - Know when to stay home and what to do when you or your family don't feel well or have engaged in what is categorized as a high-risk activity (e.g., any mixing of households, non-essential travel). - updated 3/29/2021
