aeries parent portal kern county

by Kendall Nolan I 7 min read

What is the aeries Student/Parent Portal?

The Aeries Student/Parent Portal is an online platform that allows parents, guardians, and students to log in and view student information, including contact information, attendance, class schedules, grades, transcripts, and more.

What do I do if I Forgot my aeries student portal password?

The Aeries Student/Parent Portal is your resource for student information. Families should have received an email communication in August with account credentials. If you did not receive the email or forgot your login credentials, please attempt the process outlined in the "How to Reset Your Password" link below.

What is Aeries and how does it work?

Aeries access is provided for the express use of parents and guardians of Keller ISD students to assist in effectively communicating with teachers, staff, and administrators about your student and his or her educational experience. Please note, Aeries users will be required to change their password at least once every 12 months.

What if I don't have a Parent Portal account?

If you do not have a parent portal account please contact the school sites to provide us with an email. If you need your password reset or for any other questions please contact the Enrollment Office at Ext 1150.


Web Forms

Presenter Setup Request Form This form is used to request and schedule a training, conference or workshop. It allows the user to view a shared calendar to see if a location is available at chosen site locations throughout the Court and Community Schools. The requester will need to check calendar within 24 hours to confirm room reservation.

Special Ed Forms

Notification of New Staff Members to Principals This form is used to notify administrator and technology team of new staff member.
