aeries parent portal mhusd

by Johathan Kiehn 4 min read

What browser do I need to use to access aeries?

Chrome browser is recommended (Chrome), Parent Portal(Tutorial) Parents: Please contact your school office if you do not have Aeries Parent Portal account. Important Note for Students ONLY:Student portal account is already created using your Milpitas USD email account.

Can a non-MusD student access aeries student portal?

You must use your MUSD email credential to access Aeries Student Portal. Do not create another student portal account using other personal email address(es), non-MUSD student's email address will be removed. © 1995-2022 v9.21.12.22

What is the MHUSD parent page?

Welcome to the MHUSD Parent Page. Here you will find links to important services and documents which are used district-wide. This handbook is provided to both students and parents/guardians to acknowledge policies regarding attendance, student discipline and more. Loading… You may be offline or with limited connectivity. Try downloading instead.

What kind of services does the MHUSD offer?

DEPARTMENTS Educational Services Business Services Human Resources Superintendent ENROLLMENT MHUSD Online Services ACADEMICS Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Supplemental Programs School and District Accountability

How to contact Aeries School?

What is CABE parent and family engagement?

About this website


Rights And Responsibilities Handbook

This handbook is provided to both students and parents/guardians to acknowledge policies regarding attendance, student discipline and more.

Project 2-Inspire

California Association for Bilingual Education's Parent and Family Engagement Program is focused on working with CABE’s partners from school districts and county offices to provide parents with the best opportunities and resources to help their children succeed in school.

How to contact Aeries School?

Contact your school front office staff or call (408)201-6012. Aeries. INSTRUCTIONS. Click on the Aeries logo to the left (Alternatively, you can go to and click the Student/Parent Portal icon) Enter your email address and then click Next. Enter your password and click Sign In. VIDEO WALKTHROUGH.

What is CABE parent and family engagement?

California Association for Bilingual Education's Parent and Family Engagement Program is focused on working with CABE’s partners from school districts and county offices to provide parents with the best opportunities and resources to help their children succeed in school.

How to contact Aeries School?

Contact your school front office staff or call (408)201-6012. Aeries. INSTRUCTIONS. Click on the Aeries logo to the left (Alternatively, you can go to and click the Student/Parent Portal icon) Enter your email address and then click Next. Enter your password and click Sign In. VIDEO WALKTHROUGH.

What is CABE parent and family engagement?

California Association for Bilingual Education's Parent and Family Engagement Program is focused on working with CABE’s partners from school districts and county offices to provide parents with the best opportunities and resources to help their children succeed in school.
