aeries parent portal murray middle school

by Taylor Cremin 7 min read

What is Aeries portal?

Aeries is the online student, parent and teacher portal used to manage student profiles, grades, communication and all other administrative items need to ensure our students thrive throughout their academic life. The portal provides easy access and shares real-time information for parents, students and their school sites.

What is the purpose of the Portal account?

Use your Portal account to monitor your child's attendance, grades, test scores, and assessments. This portal is also used for registration and/or re-enrollment document confirmation at the beginning of each school year.

What is Aeries Parent Portal?

What is Aeries Parent Portal?#N#The Aeries Parent Portal allows parents to view information that the District has on file for their student (s), such as emergency contact information, attendance, annual district documents traditionally available in the 1st Day Packet, and optional documents regarding food services, transportation, student accident insurance and more. Parents of middle school students can view their student's schedule, assignments and grades. Aeries Communication tools are also available through the Aeries Parent Portal, allowing parents to select how they would like to receive school and district notifications, select language preferences, and the ability to Direct Message Moreland staff members.

When is Aeries Parent Portal available?

Annually on August 1st, Aeries Parent Portal will be available for parents/guardians. Log-in details remain the same as long as your child is a student in the District. If you are a new parent/guardian, you will receive a log-in email upon your student's information being entered into the District's Student Information Database.
