aeries parent portal valverde

by Lavonne Turner 10 min read

Change of Address

If your residence address changes at any time, you must go to the Centralized Registration Center to provide proof of residency. Please bring one (1) of the following with you:

Language Assessment Services for English Language Learners

Students are identified, assessed, placed and redesignated according to state guidelines. Before a student enters any school in the Val Verde Unified School district, the parent or guardian completes a Home Language Survey.

Special Education Referrals

Children are eligible to receive special education and related services when they meet state and federal criteria established by law. There are 13 eligibility criteria for special education. Read more on the Special Education web page.

Lunch Program Information

Val Verde Unified School District participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Nutritious and delicious breakfast and lunch meals are served every school day.
