aeries parent portal wasco

by Prof. Winona Littel III 5 min read

Welcome to Waco ISD Parent Portal

Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet. You will have access to your child’s:

How frequently is my child's data updated?

Immediately! Access to your child's grades and attendance is in real-time. That means as soon as a teacher or administrator enters information into the system, it is available for you to access.

How do I get access?

If you used the online registration system to enroll your children for this school year, the login and password that you selected will permit you to access Parent Portal. Click the "Registered User Sign-In" button to proceed.

District Employees

Do Not Register Online for the Parent Self Serve Application. Please contact your child's campus to have your Parent Portal access activated. District employees will use their Active Directory (AD) username and password to access the system.
