aeries parent portal wci

by Curt Sauer 10 min read

What is the aeries Parent Portal data confirmation process?

During the online re-registration window in August, the Walnut Creek School District uses the Aeries Parent Portal Data Confirmation process to allow parents/guardians to review and update student demographic, emergency contact, medical information and required district authorization forms.

What is Aeries and how do I use it?

Woodland Joint Unified School District uses AERIES for parent and student portal accounts to improve school-to-home communication. Your parent portal will allow you to view your student's: Profile Emergency contacts Attendance information Grades and assignments from any computer or mobile device

Where can I find the aeries mobile portal?

The AERIES Mobile Portal is now available! The free Aeries Mobile Portal app provides parents and students access to grades, attendance and assignment information via their existing Aeries account. You can download the app in the App Store or via Google Play. Visit parent.wjusd.orgto log in to the AERIES Parent Portal.

What information is available on the parent portal?

Once school has begun, the parent portal can be used to view student attendance, test scores and contact information. At Walnut Creek Intermediate, the portal can used by parents and students to also access gradebook information.


Welcome to Walnut Creek Intermediate

Empowering self-reliant, open-minded, and compassionate lifelong learners, who positively contribute to the global community.

New for 2021-22: Clever!

WCSD uses Clever as a convenient way for students and staff to access many of our learning applications in one place. Students no longer need to manage usernames and passwords for select digital tools. Click above to access Clever.

WCI Transformed!

WCI is scheduled to undergo a major transformation beginning this summer. To learn more about this exciting project, please click here.

ADA Accessible Website Initiative

The Walnut Creek School District is committed to providing accessibility for all. If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any web pages or documents on our sites, please to request this information in an alternate format.
