agc chicago parent portal

by Marlene Beier 5 min read

How does AGC communicate with families?

AGC employs a variety of communication strategies. In addition to holding two parent teacher conferences and an annual “Parent University” orientation event, frequent progress reports and report cards are distributed to keep families regularly informed of student progress towards learning goals.

Why join Chicagoland AGC?

The Chicagoland AGC is steadfast in its efforts to keep trades workers safe on the job. Association members have the opportunity to attend a wide variety of educational offerings year round. We cultivate young learners at the high school and college level to encourage their involvement in the industry. Welcome to Chicagoland AGC!

What is AGC community council?

AGC Community Council, an elected group of parents and teachers, provides an opportunity for all members of our community to participate actively in supporting and promoting the mission of the Academy for Global Citizenship. Their invaluable work includes the planning of mission-related events, organizing fundraisers, and running school activities.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

Our parent portal serves as a hub of information, with calendars, classroom-specific communications, announcements from the office, and school news. We also welcome families to participate in education events such as the Taste of AGC and IB Exhibition Night.


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We're seeking innovators to join our journey of reimagining education. Click here to view positions and apply to join our team of change-makers.

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Stay informed about goings on at AGC, sign up for event announcements, quarterly newsletters, and updates from our blog. Sign up here.

Our Net Positive Future

Click here to learn more about AGC’s Educational Learning Lab and Community Sustainability Hub and our campaign for a net positive future.

What language do students learn at AGC?

All students at the Academy for Global Citizenship receive Spanish language instruction beginning in Kindergarten. AGC offers a Monolingual program as well as the opportunity to participate in a Dual Language program. Students in our Monolingual program learn primarily in English and receive daily Spanish instruction, while students in our Dual Language immersion program learn in Spanish as well as English. The goal of the Dual Language program is bilingualism and biliteracy. Instruction is in both English and Spanish. In Kindergarten, 80% of the instruction is in Spanish and 20% is in English. More English is incorporated each year until the language ratio reaches 50/50 in 3rd grade. AGC offers one Monolingual and one Dual Language classroom per grade level.

When do you have to apply for kindergarten?

Students applying for Kindergarten must be age 5 by September 1st of the year for which they are applying. The Academy for Global Citizenship does not base admission on academic performance.

When is the Chicago 2021 lottery?

The deadline to apply for 2021-2022 school year is March 1st, 2021, at 11:59 PM. The 2021-2022 admissions lottery will be held on March 19th, 2021 at 4647 W. 47th St. Chicago, IL 60632. Prospective family tours are held on the first Wednesday of the month. To schedule a tour, click here.

What is AGC community?

As a community of learners; professionals, families, and teachers work collaboratively to ensure the learning environment supports high achievement. AGC respects and embraces the innate curiosity of children, the natural systems of the world and the responsibility to make positive change.

Where is the Academy for Global Citizenship located?

The Academy for Global Citizenship is a Chicago Public Charter School, located on the underserved Southwest side of Chicago. Our innovative and holistic approach to education aims to foster systemic change and inspire the way society educates our future generations.

Cody Westmoreland

How are you a global citizen? My family and I bring our water bottles to AGC to recycle.

Seth Gonzales

Where do your sister school pen pals live? My pen pal lives in Ladakh, India and I also have a pen pal at Hearst Elementary School.

Victoria Olmeda

Which country would you most like to explore? Japan, because my brother lives there with the Navy.

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The Patient Portal for Busy Parents

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Other Benefits of the Patient Portal

AGC Pediatrics is partnering with the Healow app to provide you with a patient portal. This app is optimal for on-the-go families managing their healthcare and it also allows you to manage multiple providers and specialists in one place. In addition:
