al faisal college parent portal

by Ronny Collins 3 min read

Where do I submit my Al-Faisal College Application?

Submitting Form... The server encountered an error. Form received. Submit Al-Faisal College, 149 Auburn Rd, Auburn NSW 2144, Sydney, Australia | Telephone +61 2 8877 2000 | Email: | Copyright Al-Faisal College.

When will Al-Faisal College open in Minto?

In July 2013, Al-Faisal College bought a 4 hectares (9.9 acres) property in Minto where it planned to open a campus for 600–1,500 students by 28 April 2014.

Why Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Al-Faisal College?

Executive Principal's Message Assalam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Al-Faisal College is an independent co-educational school where opportunities for learning are equally valued for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 12 (K-12).


What is Sentral Parent Portal?

The Sentral Parent Portal provides a comprehensive online desktop environment for parents to keep in touch with their children’s life at school. It is the backbone of the Sentral for Parents mobile app.

What is Sentral app?

The Sentral for Parents app is designed to help you monitor your child’s school journey simply and efficiently. There’s plenty of smart features to help streamline your day by keeping communication lines between parents and teachers open, timely and on-going.

What is Al Faisal College?

Al-Faisal College teaches according to the NSW Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards mandated syllabuses. Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 study Arabic as a Language Other Than English and study the Quran and complete Islamic studies.

What subjects does Al Faisal College study?

Students completing the Higher School Certificate at the college study Arabic and Islamic Studies, along with the compulsory subject English, and other subjects of their choosing. In the three years to 2019, Al-Faisal College increased its rank in the Higher School Certificate from 54th in 2017 to 23rd in 2020.

When did Al Faisal College Liverpool open?

Al-Faisal College Liverpool opened its doors in Term 2 on the 27th April 2015 with two classrooms operating out of demountable classrooms. In 2016 the school received a $750,000 grant from the state government to improve the facilities.

Where is AFC in Australia?

Official website. Al-Faisal College (abbreviated as AFC) is currently the largest Islamic school in Australia with 2800 students. It is also a dual-campus independent Islamic co-educational primary and secondary day school, with campuses in Auburn and Campbelltown, both suburbs of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Who was the halal certification king in 2003?

In 2003, Shafiq Khan was involved in a court case where he was accused of diverting more than $1 million derived from halal certification to charities including the Al-Faisal College. Khan negotiated a settlement and agreed to return the money.

Who is the founder of the Muslim World League?

Funding. The Muslim World League (MWL), founded by Saudi Crown Prince Faisal, is closely linked to Sheikh Shafiq Khan, the Managing Director of the al-Faisal College. The MWL provided funding to assist in the establishment of the College.
