An automated email from will be sent to all primary contacts the second week of August (and then throughout the school year as new students are enrolled).
If you are new to AUSD for the 2021-2022 school year and completed enrollment with our Student Services Department before August 2021, your portal account will be created the second week of August.
Parents/guardians have access to daily attendance records, state test scores, grades, report cards, transcripts, emergency contacts, and other records. Class schedules and teacher assignments will be available in the fall once data confirmation is completed and your student’s school has completed scheduling.
Multiple parent/guardians may have an account if there are no restraining orders in place.
Yes, parents/guardians need a valid email address to access the portal. If you do not have one, several companies offer free, web-based email, including Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. After you create your email account, you will need to stop by your student’s school site so the office staff can update your record.
In early August, all AUSD families will receive an invitation by email or text to join ParentSquare. Please click the link to activate your account. (It takes less than a minute.) If you want to request an invitation for a certain email account, you can request one on the ParentSquare website.
AUSD uses ParentSquare for district, school site, teacher, parent and student communications. ParentSquare is a communications platform used by many school districts across the country.