by Maryjane Schaefer
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
6 min read
What do I need to know about Albany SchoolTool Parent Portal?
All users of the City School District of Albany schooltool Parent Portal consent to electronic monitoring and understand that this is a private network used as an educational tool by the City School District of Albany. Access to student information from the Internet is a privilege, not a right.
How will the city school district of Albany protect student information?
Users identified as a security risk will be denied access to the portal. The City School District of Albany will use reasonable measures to protect student information from unauthorized viewing. The District reserves the right to limit or terminate the portal for viewing student information without notice.
How do I get a parent/student portal account?
For the 2020-2021 school year new Parent/Student Portal accounts will be created and distributed automatically through email by Aeries. Existing Portal accounts should be unaffected if the email in Aeries has not changed. Please note this is not the same account used when enrolling a student in Albany Schools.
How are parent/student portal accounts distributed for the 2020-21 school year?
For the 2020-2021 school year new Parent/Student Portal accounts will be created and distributed automatically through email by Aeries. Existing Portal accounts should be unaffected if the email in Aeries has not changed.
Educational Programs: Building Bridges
We want our schools to be welcoming places. We care about your children and will do our very best meet their needs every day.
A Medical Model for Education
GAPS uses a medical model for student growth and learning that is based on a medical “Triage Model,” called Response To Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS).
High School is No Longer Enough
Our high schools have some of the highest graduation rates in the state: 98% at West Albany High School and 85% at South Albany High School.
When will Albany Unified School District reopen?
He continued, “Albany Unified School District expects to open the 2021-2022 school year with fully in-person instruction.
What is a SELPA?
SELPAs ensure access to special education and services for all students with disabilities residing within the geographic areas served by each Local Plan. The Albany Unified School District is a member of the North Region SELPA, and below are the SELPA's Local Plan documents.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
and related federal regulations, require a continuum of regional program options to meet students with disabilities needs for special education and related services.
Educational Programs: Building Bridges
We want our schools to be welcoming places. We care about your children and will do our very best meet their needs every day. We create and promote a respectful learning environment in which all individuals can grow and reach their greatest potential. We plan, we do, we study and then we act on what we have learned fro…
Learning starts in infancy, and essential brain development that is critical to school and life success takes place in the first four years. The keys to successful start include: 1. A healthy diet 2. A language-rich and stimulating environment 3. A loving and nurturing family. It is critical to provide all children with rich early learning. GAPS is partnering with early learning providers inclu…
GAPS uses a medical model for student growth and learning that is based on a medical “Triage Model,” called Response To Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS). The behavioral interventions in this model are based on what would be most effective for each student. This work is supported by research-based models from the University of Oregon. We ar…
Our high schools have some of the highest graduation rates in the state: 98% at West Albany High School and 85% at South Albany High School. We teach students that high school graduation is a necessity, but it is no longer enough. Students must be successful after graduating, too. This could include a college degree, a community college certificate or Associates Degree, a vocation…