algonquin parent portal

by Marques Marks 9 min read

What is an agreement between Algonquin College and other postsecondary institutions?

Agreements, or pathways, are agreements between Algonquin College and other postsecondary institutions that facilitate recognition of prior postsecondary study and transfer credit or admission to upper levels of study. This allows transfer students to complete another credential in less time or, result in a reduced course load.

Is Algonquin College a polytechnic?

As a polytechnic institution, Algonquin College offers accredited degrees that are more career-focused than universities. High school course requirements for our degree programs are the same as those required for university.


After school activities begin at 3:00 p.m. and end at 4:00 p.m​., unless otherwise noted. Interscholastic Athletic Games Begin at 3:30 pm.


After School Tutorial goes Virtual! A place to get help with your homework and assignments.

What is the number to call for absence in Michigan?

Please do not leave homework requests on the attendance line - call the main office instead at 586-723-3500. Michigan Law requires that all students between the ages of 6 to 16 attend school on ...

Do students receive progress reports?

Students do not receive Progress reports - you are able to access live information at any time via the Portal! Click here for assistance. Click here to access the login page. Report Cards - These will be sent home at the end of the first, second and third card markings. The final report card of the year is mailed home.
