all saints albany creek parent portal

by Mr. Gordon Walsh 3 min read

Why choose All Saints primary-Albany Creek?

All Saints Primary - Albany Creek All Saints Parish Catholic Primary School at Albany Creek strives to be a welcoming joyful community where everyone is accepted, encouraged, forgiven and inspired to achieve a balanced life. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server.

Who is All Saints?

All Saints Catholic Parish ministers to the people of Albany Creek and surrounds, on Brisbane’s Northside. We are a welcoming, inclusive and vibrant community.

Why choose All Saints Primary School?

All Saints Parish Catholic Primary School at Albany Creek strives to be a welcoming joyful community where everyone is accepted, encouraged, forgiven and inspired to achieve a balanced life. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server.

When are the student and parent portals suspended?

All Student and Parent Portals are suspended from the end of June to mid-August to allow time for the set up for the new school year. We do not maintain email addresses for students so if they forget their login information they need to contact their homeroom teacher or Lisa Beckstrom.


The Assumption

I do not claim to have much of a Marian belief and much of my faith is not tied to Mary. There are many out there who do though and I see why.

First Things First

In last week’s gospel reading Jesus reminds us to keep what is important at the forefront of our minds.

Jesus Feeds The World

Last Sunday’s Gospel focused on the iconic story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. This is a great story but how does it translate into the now?

Inner Demons

In last week’s Gospel reading we hear about Jesus expelling a demon from a man’s body, an age old act of exorcism, but what message does this convey to us in the modern day?

The Perfect Human Jesus

There are many areas of my life that I wish I was perfect. Sadly, like many people around the world, there are many areas of our lives we will be far less than perfect. But what about Jesus? What does he have to teach us about perfection?

Are you making room?

In this Christmas season, we always find the time to see our friends and relatives (in-laws and out-laws as well). We also find the room to fit that little bit of extra Christmas lunch in, but do we find the time and room for Jesus?
