allentown central catholic parent portal

by Karlie Walter II 3 min read

How do I log in to the parent portal?

To log in to the Parent Portal for the first time, please follow the directions below. Select "Forgot Username or Password" link on the login page to reset your password. Enter your email address (the address you provided to the school) & select "submit." A temporary password will be sent to your email address.

How do I log in to my Central Catholic College account?

Go to Enter your Username: first initial, last name and class year (ie. bsmith2024) in the Username field on the log in page. Enter your password: cchs&student ID (ie. cchs18374) in the Password field above.

What is the portal and how does it work?

The Portal is made available to all students and parents, and provides users with a variety of services. Students can use the Portal to access information from their teachers’ class webpages, view their schedule and current grades, and see upcoming due dates for tests and assignments.

Who do I contact for additional help with Central Catholic Church?

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact Mrs. Jodi Linnehan Kriner,


Students, click here for your first-time log in instructions

To log in to the Student Portal for the first time, please follow the steps below.

Parent Log In Information

To log in to the Parent Portal for the first time, please follow the directions below.

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