altoona area school district parent portal

by Joan Herzog 5 min read

What are the schools in the Altoona school district?

Our Schools Altoona Elementary School Altoona Intermediate School Altoona Middle School Altoona High School Altoona School District 1903 Bartlett Avenue Altoona, WI 54720 715-839-6032

How do I pay for the Altoona Area School District student fees?

This service fee is applied by Revtrak not the Altoona Area School District. Cash and check payments for student fees must be made at the AAJHS or AAHS Main Office. As a parent or guardian, you are the single most important factor in your child's education.

What is the phone number for Altoona College?

Altoona, WI 54720 715-839-6032 715-839-6066 Fax Like us on Facebook (opens in new window) Follow us on Twitter (opens in new window) Altoona YouTube channel (opens in new window) Altoona Instagram (opens in new window) Campus Suite, a web platform for schools Website accessibility policy Privacy policy Site map

What is the address for Bartlett High School Altoona?

1903 Bartlett Avenue Altoona, WI 54720 715-839-6032 715-839-6066 Fax Like us on Facebook (opens in new window) Follow us on Twitter (opens in new window)


Skylert – Emergency Notification

Family Access is also the location where you will find Skylert, our family emergency notification system. With Skylert, families have the ability to change and add contact numbers and email addresses for emergency notifications. Once logged into the Skyward Family Access, click on Skylert on the General Information menu on the left navigation bar.

Skyward Online Fee Payments

Altoona Area Junior High and Senior High School parents have the OPTION to make online payments through Skyward Family Access for charges related to various types of student fees.

Family Access Toolkit - Parents

As a parent or guardian, you are the single most important factor in your child's education. With Family Access, you can play an even bigger role in the learning process.
