amrita edu parent portal

by Lester Wiegand 7 min read

Exercise Books

This is a book for children studying up to seventh standard. Many children don’t have extra reading. As a result, their vocabulary is limited. Some children have difficulty in comprehending what they read. Grammar is another area of difficulty. The exercises are designed to improve the understanding of grammar.

A Reading, Comprehension, and Writing Skills for Beginners

Is your child studying in UKG or in lower primary classes? Then this book is for you.

A Booklet of Wordlists for Reading, Copying, Dictation and Making Sentences

Frequently used 3-letter words, 4-letter words, 5–letter words, 6-letter words and double letter words are listed in this book.

Learning Help

AmritaCREATE has come out with a website especially meant for parents of children with Learning Difficulties (LD).
