anderson university parent portal

by Coleman Little 4 min read

Why Anderson School District One's Parent Portal?

Anderson School District One believes that sharing information with parents strengthens our partnership and improves each student's learning experience. Parents can access real time education information via our Parent Portal. The Parent Portal is a powerful, easy-to-use, secure communication tool connecting teachers, parents and students.

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal is a powerful, easy-to-use, secure communication tool connecting teachers, parents and students. Using Pearson’s PowerSchool student information system, the Parent Portal allows collaboration to improve student achievement.

Why study at Anderson University?

Our students are driven by innovation, engaged in active learning, and eager to bring positive changes to the world around them. Anderson University shares that passion and is committed to helping you discover your calling, your path, and your purpose.

What are some graduates of Anderson University doing now?

A graduate of the Anderson University College of Education will return to Zambia where she and her husband will continue Hands of Hope’s mission. Nate Parsons, a graduate of the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences, is researching age-related issues affecting sight and hearing.

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Anderson University provides students with a rigorous and engaging learning experience that emphasizes the knowledge, intellectual skills, and conceptual frameworks central to each discipline.

AU at a Glance

For God and humanity, Anderson University seeks to be an innovative, entrepreneurial premier comprehensive university where liberal arts, professional studies and graduate studies thrive within an uplifting, welcoming and distinctively Christian community of diverse faculty, staff and students dedicated to intellectually rigorous learning, a caring and hospitable campus culture and personal transformation..

AU News

Dr. Jessica Nicks is one of many women serving on the faculty of the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences.

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Anderson University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or religion in its programs and activities. Please direct inquiries to Dr. L.


On behalf of Anderson University, I would like to welcome all of our new and returning families to campus. We are looking forward to an exciting start to the academic year, and we welcome your ideas, talents and contributions because parents play an instrumental role at Anderson University.

Have Questions? Not sure who to ask? Start here

Jason Rutland, Class of 2003 Associate Vice President for Alumni and Parent Engagement (864)231-2444 | Email

What is e-billing and e-payment?

Electronic billing (e-billing) is a service that enables students and authorized payers to receive bills through email, access bills through an online account, and make payments directly online at All Anderson University students receive student account bills electronically.

How can I view a statement in Self-Service?

Students should select the Finances Tab and then Billing and Payments. The student will be directed to the Student Account Login Page. The student will login with their Self-Service credentials and then select the Statements Tab.

How can a student set up a parent login?

The student may create a separate login for the parent within the Student Account Center. The link can be found on the right under "Share Account Access". The student will add and create an account for the user. The user will receive an email invite from Anderson University asking them to complete the registration process.

What are the advantages to using e-billing, as opposed to mailing paper statements?

Through online billing and payment, AU hopes to provide a more convenient service to students and authorized payers. In today's online culture, transactions and communications are performed daily via email and the Internet. Universities and colleges around the country are now using electronic billing as their primary method of billing.

Are there exceptions to e-billing? Can I request a paper bill?

All currently enrolled students will receive electronic bills. Printed bills can be obtained by accessing the Student Account Center at, and printing out the e-bill. The e-bill can be accessed and printed at any computer with Internet and printer access.

I don't feel comfortable paying my bill online. How do I pay my bill?

Paying your bill electronically is optional. You can also pay your bill by printing a copy of the bill from your account and mailing it with the payment to the appropriate campus office listed below, or delivering your check or cash in person. Make your check payable to Anderson University and include your student ID number on the check.

Does the university have installment payment plans?

Yes, there are payment plans offered through Tuition Management Systems. More information can be found on the Student Account homepage.


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