arabian grades parent portal

by Corene Okuneva MD 5 min read

What is PowerSchool Parent Portal?

PowerSchool Parent Portal is a powerful, easy-to-use, secure communication tool connecting parents/guardians and schools. Using the PowerSchool student information system, the Parent Portal allows collaboration to improve student achievement.

How do I Register my child on the family access portal?

- The registration process requires the student's N number. NOT the student's PIN number. When entering the student's N number, do not enter the N or leading zero's. For instructions on registering as a new user on the Family Access portal (click here). For further information, contact your child's school.

What is the vision of Arab city schools?

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Arab City Schools’ vision is to Invest in Others, Serve Our Community, and Seek Growth. We are passionate about bringing our vision to life every day.

What do I need to enroll in the parent portal?

In the Parent Portal, you will be: You must be the legal guardian of the student/s you plan to enroll in order to complete the process. Legal guardianship will be verified through documentation collected prior to approval. The email you provide above will also be used as your Parent Portal Username.


Mask Update

Universal masking on ACS campuses will continue through Monday, January 31st.

ADPH Back to School Toolkit

ACS ARP ESSER Approved Application (It may take several minutes to load.)

COVID-19 Update - January 12, 2022

As we enter into the second semester of the school year, we are once again faced with the challenges of navigating the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The rise of the Omicron variant and its level of contagiousness has created a spike in our number of positive cases.

ACS Serve Day

Arab City Schools’ vision is to Invest in Others, Serve Our Community, and Seek Growth. We are passionate about bringing our vision to life every day. Serve Day is a way for our ACS family to say thank you to volunteers, businesses, organizations, and churches for their partnerships. Together, we are investing in the community we love.

Create a Legal Guardian Account

Please begin your K12 enrollment process by creating a Legal Guardian Account.

Current Physical Address

Please select if you would like to receive text message updates during the enrollment process and after you are approved.

Communication Preferences

Would you like to receive text updates to your mobile phone during enrollment and after approval?

Security Questions and Answers

Your Username must be a valid email address.This email address will also be used to communicate important information about your student/s throughout the enrollment process.

Username and Password

Your username will be your email address. By creating this account, you agree to have a K12 or school representative contact you directly at the number provided, whether by person or a device that will automatically dial your home or cell phone.

How to keep track of grades on Parent Portal?

A feature within the Parent Portal allows parents to keep track of their child's grades by email notification. Simply sign up for the email notification by clicking the “Set up Email” link after you log in to the Parent Portal. A verification email will be sent to you and will contain instructions regarding the set-up process.

How to access student grades?

Access. To access your student's grades, you will need a UserID (Student Number) and password. If you have lost or do not know your UserID and password, you can obtain one by completing the MIS 4339 Form and returning it to your child's school.
