archbishop mccarthy parent portal

by Jacky Mohr 10 min read

Why give to Archbishop McCarthy High School?

Your gift is a reflection of your commitment to the values of Catholic education. It will help ensure that Archbishop McCarthy High School will be able to continue its mission, academic, extracurricular and religious programs. No Free Time?

Why choose Archbishop Murphy High School?

At Archbishop Murphy High School, we take pride in the quality of the education and formation we provide. We want your child to receive the encouragement he or she needs to grow intellectually, psychologically and spiritually; to realize those God-given talents and to share them with others while having fun along the way.

How do I send my email to Archbishop Spalding?

When you arrive at this screen, enter your email on file with Archbishop Spalding, then check BOTH "Username" and "Password", then click "Send". Note: Students will use their school assigned email addresses here (, parents will use the personal emails on file with the school.



All students who would like to park on campus must purchase a parking permit.


AMHS partners with The Catering Company for Tuesday through Friday lunch service to provide various lunch options. This partnership will provide healthy and delicious meal choices to fuel our students on campus. These meal choices will also include personalized dietary needs and options for all.
