archway trivium east parent portal

by Earl Heller 7 min read

When will edukit be delivered?

If you ordered during the extended ordering period from June 16 – July 7, your EduKit will be delivered to your home shortly before school begins.

Can you mark in Archway Trivium East?

Students should not mark in the books provided by Archway Trivium East and books should be returned once classwork is finished.

Is Archway Trivium East textbook refundable?

At the beginning of each academic year, textbooks are issued to each student to use at home for the remainder of the year. While at home these textbooks remain the property of Archway Trivium East and require a deposit that is fully refundable upon return of the textbook in permis sible condition. If you would like to purchase an additional ...

What is after school athenaeum?

After-School Athenaeum is a tuition-based program designed to reinforce the lessons learned in your child’s classroom, complementing our mission as a classical, liberal arts institution. After-School Athenaeum is focused on the liberal arts and promotes learning by providing students dedicated homework time in addition ...

When does the Athenaeum run?

Athenaeum runs daily from the dismissal bell (even on early release and half-days) until 6:00 p.m. Flexible and affordable options are available to fit any family’s after-school needs.

Virtual Info Sessions

Learn more about Great Hearts Roosevelt during a Virtual Info Session. We have two more planned. The next one will be February 8th at 6pm. We are also offering a Virtual Info Session on February 22.

Apply to Great Hearts Roosevelt for the 22-23 school year

Prospective parents, NOW is the time to submit your application (s) for the 22-23 school year. The Open Enrollment period is happening now through December 10th.

Join the Interest List

Be the first to know about enrollment dates and other big news when it comes to Roosevelt Prep by joining our interest list.

Announcing our new campus in Buckeye, Ariz

The Roosevelt Campus is named after Quentin Roosevelt, the youngest son of the 26th President of the United States, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, and First Lady, Edith Roosevelt.
