areal parent portal

by Evans Orn 5 min read

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

Realtime’s Parent Portal provides access to all of their child’s records from the comfort of their home or office using any internet browser. Parents can interact with administrators and teachers without worrying about taking a day off from work or getting a babysitter – the school’s lights are on 24/7.

What is realtime’s parent portal?

Realtime’s Parent Portal provides access to all of their child’s records from the comfort of their home or office using any internet browser. Parents can interact with administrators and teachers without worrying about taking a day off from work or getting a babysitter – the school’s lights are on 24/7. Better access equates to better parenting.

What are the benefits of realtime link for parents® notification?

Realtime Link for Parents® Notification FOR STUDENTS Student Portal Realtime Link for Students® Notification Benefits RIT Advantage Superior Support Cost Savings Ease of Use Data Sharing Integration Security State Reporting Mobility For Administrators For Staff For Parents For Students For Teachers News Implementation Careers Contact Programs

Where can I find more information about Aurora Public Schools?

If your children are new to Aurora Public Schools, please visit the APS Centralized Admissions website to learn more about the schools in your neighborhood and how to register for school.


Is Your Child New to APS?

If your children are new to Aurora Public Schools, please visit the APS Centralized Admissions website to learn more about the schools in your neighborhood and how to register for school.

Welcome APS Parents and Families!

Families naturally want their students to succeed. Research shows that students whose families are involved in their education find it easier to be successful.
