aries parent portal redlnads usd

by Wilfrid Tromp 5 min read

How does Redlands unified school district use aeries communications?

Redlands Unified School District uses Aeries Communications powered by ParentSquare for school and Districtwide communication primarily via email and text. Before you can utilize the ParentSquare application, you will need to have an Aeries Parent Portal account created.

What is an aeries Parent Portal?

With an Aeries Parent portal, you and your children can easily access and share real-time information, increasing communication between you and your child's teachers. Through an Aeries Parent Portal, you can:

What is the Redlands student information system?

Welcome to the Redlands Unified School District's Student Information System. With an Aeries Parent portal, you and your children can easily access and share real-time information, increasing communication between you and your child's teachers.

How do I Register my child for school in Redlands?

Redlands Unified School District (RUSD) Internet Registration allows you to quickly start the process of registering a student for school. Child (ren) must be a current RUSD resident and physically residing in the home. Obtain a login via your personal email address.


Aeries Parent Portal Account Setup En

Aeries: Portals - Tulare Union High School

What is the Redlands Unified School District's new flyer service called?

Redlands Unified School District is proud to announce that the district is using a new digital flyer service called "Peachjar." Traditional backpack flyers from our schools are going digital and will be delivered straight to our parent's inbox, they'll be on our website and on our FREE RUSD App.

What is Redlands Unified School District?

The Redlands Unified School District, as a unifying agent of several unique communities rich in local history, culture , and tradition, is committed to preparing students to become productive participants in a diverse, multi-cultural, democratic society through quality education, high expectations, flexible programs and innovative partnerships. Our students will be empowered with the knowledge and commitment necessary to confront the challenges of our changing world, as they become the leaders of the 21st century.
