aries parent portal whusd

by Bethel Stroman 7 min read

How do I log in to the aeries Parent Portal?

Visit parent.wjusd.orgto log in to the AERIES Parent Portal. Woodland Joint Unified School District uses AERIES for parent and student portal accounts to improve school-to-home communication.

What is aeries student information system?

Aeries Student Information System is a robust and user friendly system designed to support student's academic growth. Browser-based access anytime, anywhere, with any device. Stay up-to-date with school events and assignments with the portal calendar. Single, secure sign-in for parents or guardians with multiple students, regardless of school.

What is Aeries and how do I use it?

Woodland Joint Unified School District uses AERIES for parent and student portal accounts to improve school-to-home communication. Your parent portal will allow you to view your student's: Profile Emergency contacts Attendance information Grades and assignments from any computer or mobile device

What is Whittier Union High School aeries?

Welcome to the Whittier Union High School Aeries quick start guide and FAQ! Aeries Student Information System is a robust and user friendly system designed to support student's academic growth. Browser-based access anytime, anywhere, with any device.


Monthly Update - January 2022

It has been a great start to the new year at the Whittier Union High School District. Read more about how our students, teachers and staff have kept busy in the various programs, events and activities taking place across the District.

REMINDER: Whittier Union Superintendent Selection Survey Closes Friday, Jan. 28

The Whittier Union High School District community and public are invited to submit written comments through an online survey available until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 28.

REMINDER: Whittier Union to Obtain Stakeholder Input for Selection of Next Superintendent

Whittier Union High School District will host a Community Listening Session at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 25 at the United Sierra Education Center Board Room, 9401 S. Painter Ave., (enter parking lot off Mulberry Avenue).

Whittier Union to Obtain Stakeholder Input for Selection of Next Superintendent

To begin the process of selecting the District’s next superintendent, the Board of Trustees decided during its Jan. 11 Board meeting to gather written and oral comments from a wide array of stakeholders within the District community.

A Message from Whittier Union Regarding Metro Cards for Every Student

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) launched a pilot program with school districts and community colleges this fall to provide students with free public transportation. During our Nov. 9 Board of Trustees meeting, the District signed an agreement with Metro to participate in the program.
