asap software parent portal

by Candace Wolff 6 min read

What is an ASAP workbook?

ASAP Workbooks. ASAP ® Workbooks are available for professional development and school leadership programs for K-12 educators. Each workbook consists of four chapters of study and activities, which can be broken out weekly or monthly, culminating with a project or presentation to be shared at a group learning event.

How are ASAP courses assigned?

They can be assigned individually based on professional learning plans or at the cohort level to fulfill district initiatives in specific dimensions. Access to all 20 ASAP course modules is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription.

Why do you use ASAP?

We have always enjoyed our relationship with ASAP because we know if we need it, help is just a phone call away. We have always had a great relationship and the program works. It saves us time, it saves us money and we appreciate that. ASAP provides a means to ask your own questions and directs you to the information you need.

What is included in an ASAP subscription?

Access to all 16 ASAP Case Studies is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription. ASAP Academies provide continuous professional development for individuals, school-based teams, and school leaders. They are typically delivered at the district level to enhance best practices and improve learning outcomes.


What is ASAP Academy?

ASAP Academies provide continuous professional development for individuals, school-based teams, and school leaders. They are typically delivered at the district level to enhance best practices and improve learning outcomes.

What is a fully responsive tool?

Fully responsive tools that work great on computer screens and most mobile devices. Access your learning content anytime, and anywhere you have an Internet connection. Some content is downloadable so you can plan to work offline. Assessment reports provide detailed insight into strengths and areas for development.

What is ELA assessment?

Educational Leadership Assessment (ELA) A series of assessments in the dimensions aligned to the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders that provide data to professional development leaders on the competencies and proficiencies of their cohorts and participants.

What is step by step nursery?

““In Step by Step Nursery we do follow the British Curriculum the EYFS, we used to document all these activities that children are doing in the classroom, By using paper journals or portfolios while now they can do these observations write them on the app. and parents can directly receive those observations, assessments and the most and nice thing is they can receive it with evidence.””

Is Parent the right choice?

Parent™ is the right choice for you. Whether you are a preschool owner, daycare manager, early childhood teacher, or just parent. You can always count on Parent™ childcare management software as a trusted solution. Functionalities List.
