aspen and greenwich parent portal

by Elaina Grimes V 4 min read

Is there a link to Aspen in Schoology?

There is a link to Aspen in the Schoology account. Email the Parent Portal HelpDesk if you have difficulties with parent accounts: Secondary students have access to a personal Aspen account where they only see their own posted grades and information.

What is the Aspen portal and how do I use it?

The Aspen portal allows families to view assignment grading and an overall summary of how their child is doing in any of their classes. Parents can email family_portal@greenwich.k12.ct.usif they have questions or issues with either Aspen or Schoology.

What is Aspen?

What is Aspen? Aspen is the student information database where grades are posted. Questions about grades should be directed to the individual teacher. If your contact information changes, you should contact your school office.

How do I access parent resources-Aspen family portal?

Visit and proceed to Parent Resources - Aspen Family Portal Enter Username & Password Trouble logging in? Navigating in Aspen The Basics 1. Aspen is not a real-time reporting platform. Scores are entered within 2 weeks of collection. 2. Any blue text can be clicked example: 3. Tabs: Top Tabs


Curriculum Information

Greenwich Public Schools believes that a coherent, articulated PK-12 Standards-Based Curriculum supports all learners (adults and students) in creating and engaging in high impact learning tasks that ensure students develop and demonstrate the Vision of the Graduate capacities.

Parent Digital Tools (Aspen, LinkIt, Naviance & ParentLink)

Aspen, the District's student information system (SIS), maintains student contact information, attendance records, and at the secondary level, assignment grades and report cards.

Other Resources for Parents (Parent Meetings, New Family Info., Strategic Plan)

We realize that raising a preschool child can provide you with many challenges. It is our hope to support you by providing regularly scheduled "Parent Chats" giving us all the opportunity to share successes and challenges we are experiencing at home. Our role is to facilitate and support you in developing strategies to help you and your child.
