aspen parent portal ipswich

by Mr. Kris Schulist 6 min read

What is the new Aspen Parent Portal?

The New Aspen Parent Portal Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

What is Aspen Aspen?

Aspen is a student information system which offers parents and students online access to a secure site with personalized information about a student’s academic program and progress. The password protected parent portal will help to make communication among students, parents, teachers, and administrators more efficient.

What is the new parent portal for Chicago Public Schools?

Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

How many Aspen accounts do I need for my child?

If you have more than one student in the Bethlehem Central School District, you will only need one Aspen account and login to access the information for each of your children. Parents and guardians will be able to access basic student information such as emergency contact information year round.


School emails – Gmail

When adding the account to a personal device select “Google” as the account type

Cover Requests

Username = School Username (if you are using a windows computer ensure you input ict\username) Password = School Password


Password is separate from school account. Request password reset is available on the login page
