auburn career center parent portal

by Alan Marks 10 min read

What is adult workforce education at Auburn?

Auburn's Adult Workforce Education Department offers a variety of programs and training to meet the demands of the ever-changing workplace. Planning your career is a challenging and exciting process.

Why choose Auburn career and Technical Center?

We are delighted to be recognized as the first career and technical career center in the State of Ohio. In 1965, Auburn held its first classes under the leadership of Mr. Henry LaMuth, our first superintendent. Auburn's Adult Workforce Education Department offers a variety of programs and training to meet the demands of the ever-changing workplace.

How do I Activate my Auburn University family portal membership?

By signing up with the Family Portal, you are activating your free membership to the Auburn University Parents’ Association. If you are new to the Family Portal, visit our Family Portal FAQ page.

Why choose Auburn High School?

Auburn gives high schoolers a supportive learning environment where everyone is invested in their success. Whether students choose college or career, they take the next steps to their future with confidence. Welcome! In this section, you will find a virtual way to explore and discover our programs.


Access to Resources

website maker Many parents want to find out their student’s grades, ask about their student’s academic performance or check on their student’s finances.

Family Portal

Membership in the Auburn University Parents’ Association gives you access to the Family Portal. This portal allows students to grant access to parents and families to view their academic schedule and grades. To connect to your student, log in or sign up for the Auburn University Parent & Family Association.

eBill Authorized User

Your student can register you as an Authorized User on their eBill account to give you access to view records and pay bills. To add you as a user, your student should log into their AU Access Account, click the My Finances tab, select the eBill icon, and select Authortized Users.


AU Alert is a system that has the ability to notify students, faculty, and staff of critical information and situations affecting campus through the use of text and voice messages, and emails. Parents are encouraged to forgo listing their telephone number through AU Alert, so students on campus are receiving important information first.

Emergency Contacts

By filling out the emergency contact form, Auburn will have access to your information in case a crisis occurs. Your student can register you as an emergency contact by logging into their AU Access account, and clicking on the My Contacts icon within the My Campus tab.
