auburn grades parent portal

by Vergie Mraz 9 min read

What is the Auburn parent and family experience?

The Auburn Parent and Family Experience allows you to view Auburn news, events, and other content of interest to parents and to your student. One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more.

What is the Auburn University Parents’ Association?

Membership in the Auburn University Parents’ Association gives you access to the Family Portal. This portal allows students to grant access to parents and families to view their academic schedule and grades. To connect to your student, log in or sign up for the Auburn University Parents’ Association.

What is the parent&family portal?

This portal allows students to grant access to parents and families to view their academic schedule and grades. To connect to your student, log in or sign up for the Auburn University Parent & Family Association.

Why choose Auburn University?

Auburn University understands that family members are invested in their student’s education. We also know that parents offer critical support to encourage student success.


How do I check my grades at Auburn?

Grade information may be obtained via AU Access at the Auburn University homepage,

How do I access Tigermail?

Students can access TigerMail Live directly at (remember to login with Further updates will be made available on the OIT website ( and through our social media outlets (@AuburnOIT and Facebook's "Auburn University OIT").

What is the Auburn Creed?

The Auburn Creed I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men. I believe in sound mind, in a sound body, and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

How do I find my Auburn student number?

Every student and employee of Auburn University has a banner ID in the form of a nine digit number. This student identification number nearly eliminates the need for using Social Security Numbers for any student records. This number can be found on a student's Tiger card.

How do I set up TigerMail on Auburn?

Visit for instructions to enable your Auburn account. Once your account is activated, you will be able to log in to AU Access—your Auburn account portal. You will also be able to log in to Tigermail (your Auburn email account) which will be the official form of communication from Auburn University.

How do I set up TigerMail on my Iphone?

iOS ( Apple)Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account.Tap Microsoft Exchange.You don't need to enter anything in the Domain box. ... Tap Next on the upper-right corner of the screen. ... Choose the type of information you want to synchronize between your account and your device, and then touch Save.

Why do Auburn fans throw toilet paper?

Auburn fans traditionally toss toilet paper into the trees to celebrate big athletic wins. The tradition originated from Toomer's Drug store tossing ticker tape into the trees after receiving news of an Auburn away victory. Allegedly the first time toilet paper was used was after the 1972 Iron Bowl.

Why do they roll Toomer's Corner?

The rolling of the corner was initially set off by the employees that worked at Toomer's Drugs pharmacy using an inventive way to signal a victory for Auburn while playing away games; they would throw the ticker tape from the telegraph onto the power lines outside of the store.

What do Auburn fans yell at kickoff?

War EagleThe Auburn University battle cry is "War Eagle". It originated as an expression of support of Auburn's athletic teams, but today is also commonly used as a greeting between members of the Auburn community. The cry is yelled in unison by spectators for kickoffs of football games and tip-offs of basketball games.

Is Auburn a party school?

Ole Miss, Tulane on Princeton Review's list of `Best Party Schools', Auburn tops list of 'Jock Schools' -

What percent of Auburn is black?

5.3 percentTotal enrollment for Black students decreased from 1,935 in 2011 to 1,624 in 2020. Black students now make up about 5.3 percent of the student population at Auburn.

Is Auburn or Alabama a better school?

An analysis by WalletHub ranks the University of Alabama as the best college or university in the state. It ranks Auburn number 9 in the state, just behind Alabama-Huntsville.

Continuous Eligibility Information

To prevent dual enrollment students from accumulating D or F grades on their college transcripts, the following requirements for continuous eligibility will be implemented beginning fall 2021.

Additional Information

Family members can sign up for the Auburn University Parents’ Association to gain access to the Family Portal allowing family members to access grades, schedules, and more.

Connect to Student – Troubleshooting

One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below:


Though students can grant access to view their bill through the Family Portal, you must be registered as an eBill Authorized User to pay the bill. Your student can register you by completing the steps below:

Adding Additional Students

Do you have multiple students at Auburn? Add each student in your Family Portal account by clicking the graduation cap icon and selecting “Go to my connections.” Once on this screen, fill out a connection request for your first student. Once completed, click the plus sign next to your student’s name.

Updating Contact Information

Click the person icon on the top-right corner of the page. Select “Edit my Profile.” To add additional contact information, click “Edit my Contact Info” on the left-side menu.

Update Notification Preferences

Click the person icon on the top-right corner of the page. Select “Edit Notification Preferences.”

Access to Resources

website maker Many parents want to find out their student’s grades, ask about their student’s academic performance or check on their student’s finances.

Family Portal

Membership in the Auburn University Parents’ Association gives you access to the Family Portal. This portal allows students to grant access to parents and families to view their academic schedule and grades. To connect to your student, log in or sign up for the Auburn University Parent & Family Association.

eBill Authorized User

Your student can register you as an Authorized User on their eBill account to give you access to view records and pay bills. To add you as a user, your student should log into their AU Access Account, click the My Finances tab, select the eBill icon, and select Authortized Users.


AU Alert is a system that has the ability to notify students, faculty, and staff of critical information and situations affecting campus through the use of text and voice messages, and emails. Parents are encouraged to forgo listing their telephone number through AU Alert, so students on campus are receiving important information first.

Emergency Contacts

By filling out the emergency contact form, Auburn will have access to your information in case a crisis occurs. Your student can register you as an emergency contact by logging into their AU Access account, and clicking on the My Contacts icon within the My Campus tab.

Stay Informed with Board Meetings

Previous minutes from past Board of Education meetings are posted on each agenda for board approval.


A comprehensive review has been made of the current ACS Policy Manual (2010 version). Some policies have been revised, deleted, and added to bring the current manual into compliance with all laws and ALSDE regulations as well as system practice.
