auburn parent portal grades

by Earnestine Gleichner 3 min read

What is the Auburn parent and family experience?

The Auburn Parent and Family Experience allows you to view Auburn news, events, and other content of interest to parents and to your student. One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more.

What is Auburn University doing to support student success?

Posted almost 5 years ago in Student Support. Auburn University understands that family members are invested in their student’s education. We also know that parents offer critical support to encourage student success.

What is Auburn University's policy on sharing student records?

Auburn University must adhere to FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and by law cannot share information about your student’s records with third parties without the student’s consent.

How do I add a student to my family Portal account?

Add each student in your Family Portal account by clicking the graduation cap icon and selecting “Go to my connections.” Once on this screen, fill out a connection request for your first student. Once completed, click the plus sign next to your student’s name. Repeat this step for each Auburn University Student.


How do I check my grades at Auburn?

Grade information may be obtained via AU Access at the Auburn University homepage,

What is the Auburn Creed?

The Auburn Creed I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men. I believe in sound mind, in a sound body, and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

How do I decline admission to Auburn?

Declining Admission If you decide you no longer want to be considered for admission, you may withdraw your application by sending an email to Please include your full name, student number or date of birth and address along with a brief statement explaining that you are withdrawing your application.

Does Auburn accept dual enrollment credit?

Reimagined in 2018, the program offers dual-enrollment opportunities for high school students beginning in 10th grade, with eligible students allowed to complete up to 24 hours of Auburn credit before graduating from high school.

Why do Auburn fans throw toilet paper?

Auburn fans traditionally toss toilet paper into the trees to celebrate big athletic wins. The tradition originated from Toomer's Drug store tossing ticker tape into the trees after receiving news of an Auburn away victory. Allegedly the first time toilet paper was used was after the 1972 Iron Bowl.

Why do they roll Toomer's Corner?

The rolling of the corner was initially set off by the employees that worked at Toomer's Drugs pharmacy using an inventive way to signal a victory for Auburn while playing away games; they would throw the ticker tape from the telegraph onto the power lines outside of the store.

Can I get into Auburn with a 3.3 GPA?

GPA Requirements and Average GPA They need to have an average high school GPA of 3.74 and a typical high school grade of A-. The school has the leading average GPA in Alabama. If your grade is above a 3.74 GPA, you have a very strong chance of getting admitted as Auburn accepts 81 percent of all applications.

Is Auburn a hard school?

A study by former Duke Professor Stuart Rojstaczer puts Auburn in what he calls the “Sweet 16” of the toughest grading colleges in the country.

What ACT score is needed for a full ride to Auburn?

Students must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, a minimum 34 ACT score or a minimum 1500 SAT score. Number of awards may vary.

Does Auburn consider legacy?

Many elite schools, such as Brown and Vanderbilt, offer a variety of resources for potential legacy applicants, including personal advising, tours, even application reviews....Part I: Top-100 Universities.University NameStatusAuburn UniversityLegacy ImportantUniversity of ArizonaLegacy Not Considered99 more rows

Is Auburn hard to get into?

Auburn University admissions is more selective with an acceptance rate of 85%. Half the applicants admitted to Auburn University have an SAT score between 1160 and 1320 or an ACT score of 25 and 31. However, one quarter of admitted applicants achieved scores above these ranges and one quarter scored below these ranges.

Can I get into Auburn with a GED?

First-Time, First-Year (Freshmen) Admission....C3. High school completion requirement.High school diploma is required and GED is acceptedyesHigh school diploma or equivalent is not requiredno1 more row

What is Auburn Parent and Family Experience?

The Auburn Parent and Family Experience allows you to view Auburn news, events, and other content of interest to parents and to your student. One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below:

What does an Auburn email do?

Students will receive an email (at their Auburn email account) prompting them to indicate to which components of their student academic and financial record they would like to grant parents access. For those components that your student approves, you will be able to log on to the portal and benefit from the information that the student chooses to share with you. You will also be able to stay up-to-date with what’s going on at Auburn (including our social media feeds).

What to do if Auburn University email is incorrect?

If the email address is incorrect, simply cancel the request and re-submit with their correct Auburn University email. If you scroll down on the request form and click “cancel this connection.”

When will Mackenzie Boden join the AU family?

We're excited that our daughter, Mackenzie Boden, will be joining the AU Family this Fall 2020! WAR EAGLE!!!

Does Auburn University have FERPA?

Auburn University must adhere to FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and by law cannot share information about your student’s records with third parties without the student’s consent.

Can Auburn students revoke their academic records?

Please note that students can revoke these privileges at any time and that we expect students to directly communicate their business and academic needs with college offices and faculty. Auburn staff will speak only with students about their academic records regardless of permission given.

What is the benefit of Family Portal?

One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below:

Do you see your student's name on a connection request?

If the email address is correct, you should see your student’s name appear on the connection request rather than their email address.

What is the 2028 facility plan?

In May 2018, the Board of Education approved Facility Plan 2028, a 10-year plan addressing the demolition, reconstruction and renovation of buildings and the impact of student growth on facilities capacity. Phase I of this plan, which began in the Fall 2018, includes the reconstruction and demolition of Cary Woods Elementary School and J. F. Drake Middle School, demolition and reconstruction of the gymnasium at East Samford School, and a new elementary school.

Is Woodland Pines Elementary School in Auburn City?

Woodland Pines Elementary School is currently under construction and will be complete in time to start the 2022-2023 school year, making it the 10th elementary campus in Auburn City Schools. This new facility will serve grades K-2 and feed into Yarbrough Elementary School, which will serve grades 3-5. As part of opening a new school, a systemwide elementary rezoning process will take place.


Connect to Student – Troubleshooting

  • One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure you are logged into your Family Portal account. To log in, visit 2. Click the graduation cap in the top right corner. 3....
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  • Though students can grant access to view their bill through the Family Portal, you must be registered as an eBill Authorized User to pay the bill. Your student can register you by completing the steps below: 1. Student must log into AU Access using their username and password. 2. Click on the “My Finances” tab. 3. Click on the “eBill” logo. 4. Select “Authorized User” option located o…
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Adding Additional Students

  • Do you have multiple students at Auburn? Add each student in your Family Portal account by clicking the graduation cap icon and selecting “Go to my connections.” Once on this screen, fill out a connection request for your first student. Once completed, click the plus sign next to your student’s name. Repeat this step for each Auburn University Student.
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Updating Contact Information

  • Click the person icon on the top-right corner of the page. Select “Edit my Profile.” To add additional contact information, click “Edit my Contact Info” on the left-side menu.
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