auburn university parent portal

by Amparo Altenwerth 5 min read

What is the Auburn parent and family experience?

The Auburn Parent and Family Experience allows you to view Auburn news, events, and other content of interest to parents and to your student. One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more.

How do I Activate my Auburn University family portal membership?

By signing up with the Family Portal, you are activating your free membership to the Auburn University Parents’ Association. If you are new to the Family Portal, visit our Family Portal FAQ page.

Why choose Auburn University?

Auburn University understands that family members are invested in their student’s education. We also know that parents offer critical support to encourage student success.

How do I add a student to my family Portal account?

Add each student in your Family Portal account by clicking the graduation cap icon and selecting “Go to my connections.” Once on this screen, fill out a connection request for your first student. Once completed, click the plus sign next to your student’s name. Repeat this step for each Auburn University Student.

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What is Auburn Parent and Family Experience?

The Auburn Parent and Family Experience allows you to view Auburn news, events, and other content of interest to parents and to your student. One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below:

What does an Auburn email do?

Students will receive an email (at their Auburn email account) prompting them to indicate to which components of their student academic and financial record they would like to grant parents access. For those components that your student approves, you will be able to log on to the portal and benefit from the information that the student chooses to share with you. You will also be able to stay up-to-date with what’s going on at Auburn (including our social media feeds).

What to do if Auburn University email is incorrect?

If the email address is incorrect, simply cancel the request and re-submit with their correct Auburn University email. If you scroll down on the request form and click “cancel this connection.”

When will Mackenzie Boden join the AU family?

We're excited that our daughter, Mackenzie Boden, will be joining the AU Family this Fall 2020! WAR EAGLE!!!

Does Auburn University have FERPA?

Auburn University must adhere to FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and by law cannot share information about your student’s records with third parties without the student’s consent.

Can Auburn students revoke their academic records?

Please note that students can revoke these privileges at any time and that we expect students to directly communicate their business and academic needs with college offices and faculty. Auburn staff will speak only with students about their academic records regardless of permission given.

What is the benefit of Family Portal?

One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below:

Do you see your student's name on a connection request?

If the email address is correct, you should see your student’s name appear on the connection request rather than their email address.

What is an authorized user?

Authorized User/Parent. Students are permitted to add authorized users to their account that may have an interest in their financial records. Authorized users can be granted varying levels of access to the student's account to include the ability to view the student's tuition bill, make a payment, enroll in a payment plan, ...

Who can release student financial records?

Student Financial Services is able to release some student education records (including billing and payment records such as the student tuition bill, payment history or tax information) to parents/guardians with the written consent of the student by way of setting them up as Authorized Users.

Who has FERPA rights?

For students at higher education institutions, FERPA rights belong to the student, not the parent (s), regardless of the student's age or the fact that the parent (s) may pay the tuition bill.

Can Student Financial Services edit user information?

Please note that Student Financial Services staff is NOT authorized to add or edit authorized user information.

Do students have to log in to AU Access?

Students must log in to AU Access to access this information .

Is Auburn University a FERPA compliant school?

To remain in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a law administered by the federal government, Auburn University is required to protect the privacy of student education records in addition to provide timely access to and the ability to a mend those education records.

Access to Resources

website maker Many parents want to find out their student’s grades, ask about their student’s academic performance or check on their student’s finances.

Family Portal

Membership in the Auburn University Parents’ Association gives you access to the Family Portal. This portal allows students to grant access to parents and families to view their academic schedule and grades. To connect to your student, log in or sign up for the Auburn University Parent & Family Association.

eBill Authorized User

Your student can register you as an Authorized User on their eBill account to give you access to view records and pay bills. To add you as a user, your student should log into their AU Access Account, click the My Finances tab, select the eBill icon, and select Authortized Users.


AU Alert is a system that has the ability to notify students, faculty, and staff of critical information and situations affecting campus through the use of text and voice messages, and emails. Parents are encouraged to forgo listing their telephone number through AU Alert, so students on campus are receiving important information first.

Emergency Contacts

By filling out the emergency contact form, Auburn will have access to your information in case a crisis occurs. Your student can register you as an emergency contact by logging into their AU Access account, and clicking on the My Contacts icon within the My Campus tab.


Connect to Student – Troubleshooting

  • One of the greatest benefits to the Family Portal is the ability to connect to your student to access grades, schedule, bill, and more. To connect to your student, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure you are logged into your Family Portal account. To log in, visit 2. Click the graduation cap in the top right corner. 3....
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  • Though students can grant access to view their bill through the Family Portal, you must be registered as an eBill Authorized User to pay the bill. Your student can register you by completing the steps below: 1. Student must log into AU Access using their username and password. 2. Click on the “My Finances” tab. 3. Click on the “eBill” logo. 4. Select “Authorized User” option located o…
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Adding Additional Students

  • Do you have multiple students at Auburn? Add each student in your Family Portal account by clicking the graduation cap icon and selecting “Go to my connections.” Once on this screen, fill out a connection request for your first student. Once completed, click the plus sign next to your student’s name. Repeat this step for each Auburn University Student.
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Updating Contact Information

  • Click the person icon on the top-right corner of the page. Select “Edit my Profile.” To add additional contact information, click “Edit my Contact Info” on the left-side menu.
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