ausd us parent portal

by Madeline Howell 9 min read

How do parents access student information in Austin ISD?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records.

How do I log in to the AUSD portal?

Logging in to this portal will allow you to access resources on the AUSD portal site. There are three ways to log in to this portal: You can log in using the username and password you use to access your classroom computers.

How do parents access their student's educational information?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records. Go to Parent Self Serve information > 2. Student Registration

How do I access the parent portal?

Go to https://austinisd. us001-rapididentity. com/ to access the Parent Portal. If you do not have a Parent Portal Account, you can register for one online. The Parent Portal serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to our parents.


Who is the AUSD Classified Employee of the Year?

A surprise announcement by Superintendent Dr. Vannasdall at a staff meeting to honor and select Rudy Vergara as the AUSD Classified Employee of the Year. Watch the heartwarming surprise video at the link above.

Where is Arcadia Unified School District?

Nestled in the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California, all schools are located in Arcadia, California.

What is Arcadia Unified?

As one of the most innovative school districts in the country, Arcadia Unified’s goal is to champion students and staff to Imagine, Inquire, and Inspire. The purpose of the District is to challenge and inspire students to make a positive and profound impact on their world.

Who is the Arcadia Unified teacher of the year 2021-22?

Sharon Pasqua named Arcadia Unified 2021-22 Teacher of the Year!

When will the school district approve transfer permits for 2020-2021?

For the upcoming 2020-2021 School Year: Principals will approve or deny a transfer permit by June 3, but no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought.

What happens if a parent is not satisfied with the decision of the permit?

In the event that parent is not satisfied with the decision of the permit, the parent may choose to schedule an appeal meeting with the Director of Student Employee Welfare. After the permit is approved, the Principal will meet with the family to sign a permit contract, stating the requirements.

How long is AB2826?

AB2826 makes a student eligible for a two-month provisional admission to a school district only upon providing reasonable evidence that a final decision for a request for interdistrict transfer is pending either with the school district of residence, the school district of proposed enrollment, or the county board of education.

What information should be included in a school report card?

The report card should contain academic information, attendance, and behavior/citizenship. The Principal of the requested school will make a determination to either approve or deny the permit and the parent/guardian will be notified via email.

What are the conditions to receive a permit?

Note that good grades, good attendance, good behavior and the availability of space and a continued effort on the part of the parent or guardian to cooperate with the school/district officials are conditions to receive or continue a permit.

Who approves a permit request?

The Principal of the school of residence may choose to meet the family to discuss the reason for the request. The Principal at the school of residence approves or denies the permit request. The parent will be notified of the approval or denial of the permit.

Do you need dual immersion to register for home school?

At the time of registration, the family should provide the home school office staff with evidence of Dual Immersion acceptance.
